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Auhydride December 8th, 2008 08:19

Where is that sorbothane thread?
I can't seem to find it. It was in the upgrades and modification section.

Schlyder December 8th, 2008 09:34

it's called * Stop your gearbox from breaking* by Tirador I believe.

KNIVEZS December 8th, 2008 09:42

tried searching it but cant seem to find it.

TriChrome December 8th, 2008 10:09

It's been deleted from what I can tell. My first post on this forum was there and that post is now listed as not ever being made...

zone 69 December 8th, 2008 10:27

Yup it,s gone. If you want a sorbo pad just go here to buy one.

Azuki December 8th, 2008 11:02

*hijack* on a semi-related note, anyone know where to get Sorbo sheets. Also anyone know how Sorbo acts when BBs are shot at it?

Auhydride December 8th, 2008 11:06

It looks like it was deleted, anyone know why?

Azuki, I think you are going to use sorbothane as a bb target right?

T_A_N_K December 8th, 2008 11:11

I think it was because of the new retailer rules, however it should have still been archived.

demco11 December 8th, 2008 14:22


Originally Posted by Azuki (Post 876039)
*hijack* on a semi-related note, anyone know where to get Sorbo sheets. Also anyone know how Sorbo acts when BBs are shot at it?

Airsoft body armour? lol

Amos December 8th, 2008 14:25


Originally Posted by Azuki (Post 876039)
*hijack* on a semi-related note, anyone know where to get Sorbo sheets. Also anyone know how Sorbo acts when BBs are shot at it?

My mistake!! He included Sorbothane for free, I was accounting the cost of parts I had ordered too!!

TriChrome December 8th, 2008 14:42


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 876142)
Tirador sells Sorbo sheets, You'd be better off with just one of those sticky targets... a 3"X3" square cost me close to 30 bucks.

4x4" sheets of 1/8" on are $4.66.

ILLusion December 8th, 2008 14:45


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 876142)
Tirador sells Sorbo sheets, You'd be better off with just one of those sticky targets... a 3"X3" square cost me close to 30 bucks.

Sorbothane is made in the United States. Why buy it from Japan?
No wonder you paid so much.

Azuki December 8th, 2008 15:37


Originally Posted by Auhydride (Post 876045)
Azuki, I think you are going to use sorbothane as a bb target right?

Aye... but it looks like it'll be too expensive to be worth it. 24"x24" sheets are over 100 bucks. I wish I knew how to mold plastic and had access to the sticky stuff they coat targets with... could do soo many things with them... *sigh*

anyways copied from external source:

The greatest of all shock absorbers... one pad that rules them all!

"SORBOTHANE, a proprietary visco-elastic polymer material that exhibits properties of both liquids (viscous solutions) and solids (elastic materials). It is polyether-based, polyurethane material or a combination of the properties of rubber, silicone, and polymers. It can absorb shock, and isolate vibration from an unusual high amount of energy from a spring. While many materials exhibit one of these characteristics, Sorbothane combines all of them in a stable material with a long fatigue life." - ARS(Japan)

Japanese engineers designed the SORBO pads that were used specifically for Airsoft, and wasn't really known until a few airsoft enthusiasts tried to test and proved the benefits of the "small wonder"... the result was exceptional. The SORBO pad has proven its worth. Its damping characteristics and cheap price can be a substitute for the silent piston heads (for the "silent operators"), and it eliminates the need for reinforced gearboxes when using High rated springs...


A sound test by Matt Lawson reveals the properties of SORBO at work..
"To measure performance I used the Audacity audio recording program and a boom microphone. To compare the performance difference I recorded the sound of my AEG before installation. Being careful not confound the results, I left the microphone in the same place from the initial recording and placed the AEG where I could easily replace once the installation was complete. Now since I do not have a video camera, I could not leave a microphone out in the yard to record the noise coming from the front of the AEG. This would simulate the noise heard by a target player. My recordings are from the left side of my AEG and are taken from within 24” of the gearbox... The performance of the sorbo pad was effective. I noticed a deeper tone in the piston head on cylinder head impact."

Actual product label, Manufactured by ARS - Airsoft Research Syndicate.

The ARS Sorbo Pad is already becoming popular in Canada, US, Indonesia, Finland, Turkey... and soon, Philippines.

Note: Laylax(Japan) also manufactures SORBO replacement pads

Hope that helps a bit :s

Tirador December 8th, 2008 20:16

I was wondering too. Im about to update my thread but I realized that it is already gone. I have totaly no idea what is happening.


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 876159)
Sorbothane is made in the United States. Why buy it from Japan?
No wonder you paid so much.

Sorbothane is made in Japan too. As far as i know, only England, Japan and USA have a formula of this material.

FYI. Sorbothane was invented in 1963 by a British Chemist in England. Since Japan and USA have a Space Research Program,they formulated their own sorbothane for their own interest and usage.


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 876159)
No wonder you paid so much.

Try to fabricate a high precision cutter then you will know how much will it cost. ;)

ILLusion December 8th, 2008 20:21


Originally Posted by Tirador (Post 876433)
Try to fabricate a high precision cutter then you will know how much will it cost. ;)

I have, and I know how much it costs.

Your price:

Originally Posted by Amos (Post 876142)
Tirador sells Sorbo sheets, You'd be better off with just one of those sticky targets... a 3"X3" square cost me close to 30 bucks.

Price in North America:

Originally Posted by TriChrome (Post 876155)
4x4" sheets of 1/8" on are $4.66.

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