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DonP October 17th, 2008 15:51

Play in ASC's first Internet Zombie Shooting Competition (was open till Oct 31st, but who's counting?)
ASC's first IZSC (Internet Zombie Shooting Competition) is NOW OPEN!
From now until MIDNIGHT ON HALLOWEEN (Oct 31), if you have an Airsoft pistol and a computer and a printer, you can participate! You play by printing out some targets, shooting them at a specific range, and posting your results!

Time required: about 10-15 minutes

The Setting
Alone, cornered, and armed only with a pistol you are facing an oncoming wave of zombies!

You must kill them as quickly as possible so you can escape before MORE arrive! You will engage zombies at 100m, 75m, 50m, and 25m on specially-scaled targets. Your objective? Kill all zombies as quickly as possible to escape. Shoot too poorly, and you will die.

This game is intended to be shot with a pistol. You may use a rifle if you must and take a -50 point penalty (see end of post for scoring.)

The Game
You will shoot at specially-scaled targets which are mounted at a range of 2.5m (8 feet) away. They are sized to simulate targets appearing at various ranges.

There are (up to) 4 stages: 100m, 75m, 50m, and 25m.

For every zombie NOT KILLED on a stage, you face TWO zombies on the next stage. (The commotion and noise attracts more zombies.)

You win if at any time you have killed all zombies facing you. What do you win? Attention on the Internet!

How to Play
Link to a web-based 20 second countdown if you don't have a kitchen timer or something.
  1. Begin by printing out the first stage (5 zombies at 100m). Hang it up 2.5m away from you.
  2. You have 10 rounds and 20 seconds (this is true for every stage). Shoot until out of ammo, or time is up.
  3. Check your hits. If the BB hole touches ANY part of the zombie's head - even just the edge - that's a hit. (We're counting whole-head hits, not just the brain.)
  4. For EACH zombie not killed in the stage, you will put up TWO zombies on the next stage (the next closer range.)
  5. Continue in this fashion with 10 shots and 20 seconds per stage until one of the following occurs:
    1. You have at any point killed all zombies facing you (you win!)
    2. At any point, you are facing more than 20 zombies (you are overwhelmed)
    3. Any zombies remain after shooting at 25m (you are overrun)

How to Post Your Results
Post your results in the following format:
Stage 1 (100m) Zombies Faced/Killed
Stage 2 (75m) Zombies Faced/Killed
Stage 3 (50m) Zombies Faced/Killed
Stage 4 (25m) Zombies Faced/Killed

Did you ESCAPE or were you KILLED?

Post a digital Image of the last Stage you shot at.


How to calculate score: 100 - (unhit in stage 1) - (unhit in stage 2) - (unhit in stage 3) - (unhit in stage 4)
Add +1 bonus point if you post images of ALL your targets.
Add +1 bonus point if you post a picture of the gun you used.
Add +1 bonus point if you accompany your post with an MS Paint self-portrait of you fighting the zombies.
-50 Points for using a Rifle. (Added Oct 20)

DonP October 17th, 2008 16:07

I'll start with my results (you can use this as a model for posting your own):
(+1 bonus point for MS Paint self-portrait)

I shot with a KJW Mk1. Beastly trigger pull on these bastards!

Stage 1 Zombies faced/killed: 5/2 (3 left alive)
Stage 2 Zombies faced/killed: 6/4 (2 left alive)
Stage 3 Zombies faced/killed: 4/3 (1 left alive)
Stage 4 Zombies faced/killed: 2/2 (Killed them all, and not a moment too soon!)

ESCAPED (killed all at stage 4)

Final score: 98

100-3-2-1-0 = 95 (plus 3 bonus points, one each for image of each target, image of gun, and MS Paint self-portrait)
(+1 bonus point for pictures of all targets - not just the last one.)
+1 Bonus point for picture of gun used. (The laser is non-visible IR, didn't use it. Not aligned well enough for precision shooting anyway.)

Cobrajr122 October 17th, 2008 16:16

I am so in. I'll post when I'm done.

Nice shooting don

MrEvolution October 17th, 2008 16:25

This looks neat. my 1911 needs a workout.
What pistol is that?

Rob October 17th, 2008 16:25

might seem obvious, but what size paper should we use (letter, legal...). I assume landscape-oriented.

Styrak October 17th, 2008 16:32


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 842227)
This looks neat. my 1911 needs a workout.
What pistol is that?

Looks like a Mk1. Probably KJW.

DonP October 17th, 2008 16:34


Originally Posted by Rob (Post 842228)
might seem obvious, but what size paper should we use (letter, legal...). I assume landscape-oriented.

All targets landscape printed on 8.5x11 paper. Just print the PDF at full size (no scaling, etc.) and it should be automatic. Anyone with a printer should be able to print these no problem.

MrEvolution: It's actually a KJW Mk1 carbine which I cut down, so it's really a KJW Mk1 now.

FOX_111 October 17th, 2008 16:38

I'm trying to figure out where to hang my targets, as not to breat anything...

kalnaren October 17th, 2008 16:43

I'd love to do this... too bad I don't have anywhere I can shoot that range

DonP October 17th, 2008 16:45


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 842242)
I'd love to do this... too bad I don't have anywhere I can shoot that range

You don't have anywhere to fit a box stuffed with newspaper 2.5 meters (8 feet) away? Yikes!

Drache October 17th, 2008 16:49

I dont have any airsoft guns anymore lol....

Does this count? :D

KND October 17th, 2008 16:51

I'm in too. Easy thing to hang the target is your closet. it's quite easy to clean. Everything will be in side. :D



Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 842238)
I'm trying to figure out where to hang my targets, as not to breat anything...

Cobrajr122 October 17th, 2008 16:55

i was overwhelmed after the second page.. not even gonna post results XD

mannn my sights are fucked up. I'll "try again" later when i feel like adjusting my sights.

DonP October 17th, 2008 18:06


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 842249)
i was overwhelmed after the second page.. not even gonna post results XD

mannn my sights are fucked up. I'll "try again" later when i feel like adjusting my sights.

I'd encourage you to post them up anyway! It's actually quite a challenging set of targets. But it's all just for fun.

But by all means shoot as much as you like and post up the best of the bunch.

Skladfin October 17th, 2008 22:25

this is pretty fun!

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