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Kookamater August 25th, 2008 03:00

Shipping to the US
Alright, I'm tired of wasting my time with the shoddy search engine, FAQ, and google not giving me the answers I want. I'm just gunna ask here, get my answer (hopefully), and be on my way.

I know getting airsoft guns from outside the country is a definite no-no, but what about exporting them? Such as shipping a gun to the US.

Help appreciated in this matter. Apologies if this has been asked before.

ColtFarmer August 25th, 2008 03:12

Blaze orange tip of at least 1/4" permanently attached or painted, and no unlicensed trademarks.

Kookamater August 25th, 2008 03:16

Thanks. How do you go about applying an orange tip though? Orange paint? :p

BBS August 25th, 2008 03:20


JoeFriday August 25th, 2008 03:23

If you don't want it permanent, get stuff called liquid mask. Let it dry then paint over top. Looks like it's painted on, but can be removed by using the sticky side of tape... unless that's illegal for them. Just saying...

ColtFarmer August 25th, 2008 03:28

this is the FS number for blaze, it's the same as hunting stuff.

ColtFarmer August 25th, 2008 03:29


Originally Posted by JoeFriday (Post 803059)
If you don't want it permanent, get stuff called liquid mask. Let it dry then paint over top. Looks like it's painted on, but can be removed by using the sticky side of tape... unless that's illegal for them. Just saying...

they do in fact do a thumbnail test. dont use liquid mask.

WGC sells ready made plastic orange flash hiders for most guns.

Kookamater August 25th, 2008 03:39

Ah alright. So my main goal is just to get the according orange paint. Any recommendations there for paint?

Muffin August 25th, 2008 06:58

Krylon Fusion adheres really well.

Styrak August 25th, 2008 09:08

Just a question, why would someone in the US want to buy a gun from Canada?

joblow August 25th, 2008 09:41

yeah, i'm curious too....i try so hard to get those gun from US or from the other side of the world and this guy want to buy a gun from canada???..... :-? .....

eV.Viper August 25th, 2008 10:22

well, if he can sell aegs to USA with a 200% price then he'll make real money lol.

But seriously I'm curious too lol !

Jackals August 25th, 2008 12:08

Perhaps he is moving there? But if that was the case, why wouldnt he sell it here and buy dirt cheap there?

I kinda want to know why too.

Ronan August 25th, 2008 12:39

Theirs a buyer for something at any price somewhere.

demco11 August 25th, 2008 18:01

Just buy one of those plastic orange flashhiders for cheap, that way once in the USA it can be taken off for game play and switched with the original.


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 803239)
Theirs a buyer for something at any price somewhere.

BC bottled water that gets exported to Dubai and various other places fetch as much as $20-$30 a bottle.

The same bottles are sold in BC for $5 at "water cafe's"

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