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rockafella April 26th, 2008 02:22

Opinions? SEAL themed M4

xandrewx April 26th, 2008 02:28

switch out that masking tape for some tan gun tape or magpulls, and the rack number on your crane stock don't have it slanty, the RDS and light numbers are fine, other then that it looks pretty good so far :)

Shirley April 26th, 2008 02:30

Shades are great.

techobo April 26th, 2008 02:33

Looking good so far dude. Get a Wilcox or replica M68 CCO mount (G&P makes one)and a CQD rear sling mount and yer golden. And if yer lucky enough to find one a CVL.

edit: Oh, and if you find the AN/PEQ2 is getting in the way, the VFC one is a little smaller and more realistic. Or, you could mount it on the side.

Styrak April 26th, 2008 02:41

Not too sure about the rack numbers on absolutely everything.

Godlyspartan April 26th, 2008 03:13

If you want to be a purists about making a legit seal cqbr, remove that gigantic 74 on your stock, also change the mount and sling plate like Techobo said to the Wilcox and cqd sling plate.

If your gonna use a LMT style stock, you should actually use a LMT stock and not apply cheek welds to the LE stock, because i have yet to see that on any seal guns to date. If you dont want to buy a crane stock, you can just as well stick with the orignal LE stock that you have and be seal like.

You should also ease up on that magic marker lol, it becomes redundant when you label every that you stick on your heater.

Other than those small things, your gun is sexcellent with the spiffy paintjob

Jar|-|ead April 26th, 2008 06:32

Oh reminder if your going to get an an/peqII.The surefire mount you have will GET in the way of the VFC An/PEQII.Plus i see that your also putting on the beam cover on that torch you cant have that near your RIS.CVL's are a bitch to find,the replicas one i mean.There pretty much sold out eveywhere.

ProbeJax April 26th, 2008 13:09

Is that a homemade magpul?

Shirley April 26th, 2008 13:15


Originally Posted by ProbeJax (Post 704197)
Is that a homemade magpul?

Haha yeah, seen alot of guys doing that.. Why not just buy rubber pieces from the dollar store and then tape it on, it's better that way.

rockafella April 26th, 2008 21:18


Jar|-|ead April 27th, 2008 00:28

Its hard to find REAL wilcox mount.Replicas should be easy to get from wgc or redwolf.

techobo April 28th, 2008 00:06


Originally Posted by Jar|-|ead (Post 704717)
Its hard to find REAL wilcox mount.Replicas should be easy to get from wgc or redwolf.

Word, you can get them from ehobby too.

edit: From what I understand the home made mag pull isn't so SEALish, but I do it too. haha.

double edit: If the surefire mount gets in the way of your AN/PEQ2, you could always put the AN/PEQ2 on your left rails.

Godlyspartan April 28th, 2008 03:11

You can also move your flashlight back and use the "rail estate" ;) which is what i do when it interferes with my vfc anpeq.

Jar|-|ead April 28th, 2008 11:20

Ok here are some pics:




I was either thinking filing down some of the PEQ mount or switching the surefire mount to the larue mount.


Thats a real KAS RIS including covers and vert. grip.Oh plus the outer barrel is 10.4" its flush with the bottom part of the front sight.I will post up pics im just waiting on a body pin set.The front pin fell out on me.

techobo April 28th, 2008 21:00

Shouldn't a CQBR barrel be 10.3 or 10.5?

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