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TokyoSeven April 18th, 2008 22:30

TokyoSeven M4
Well I am almost finished her. It took over a year of on and off work but shes finally all done..well atleast to a point where I feel confident enough to share her with all of you. Id like to introduce everyone to "...." well I havent named her yet, but when she is finally done I will give her a name.

Externally she is almost entirely all king arms, or atleast will be when I am finally done.

King Arms M.R.E. RAS kit
King Arms Outer barrel
King Arms VLTOR sight block
King Arms rear sight
King Arms Sniper type trigger guard
King Arms furniture, although not all of it was used due to fitting issues with shitty metal body.
Shitty Dboys metal body - To be replaced by King Arms soon.
Star Crane Stock - Maybe replaced with something King Arms if I find something I like.
MadBull Noveske Sound amp flash hider - Will be the only external non King Arms items if I can help it.
It originally had a King Arms G27 style grip, But I didnt like the fitting and didnt feel like working on it at the time. Since then I have elected to install a King Arms G16 which I have yet to order.

Internally shes a stock TM mechbox shell that will be replaced with a King Arms one some day. The mechbox internals are a mix of systema and modify parts, which I hope to some day change to all modify. Minus the deep fire airseal nozel. She puts out 320 with a stock spring. Anyways chit chat aside, I suppose I should get to the picture.

spl01t77 April 18th, 2008 22:33

now that's purty... quite the loyalty to KA but well deserved I'd say.

cheers, now give her a name already!!!

Amos April 18th, 2008 22:41

Needs a tactical rail mounted dildo...

But other than that.. awesome.

Renegade) April 18th, 2008 22:43


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 698487)
Needs a tactical rail mounted dildo...

But other than that.. awesome.

I swear, if anyone was to have a Cockshaped M203.. T7 would so be it..

skalnok April 18th, 2008 23:19

what is with you and aqua making excessively sexy guns....

TokyoSeven April 18th, 2008 23:24

King Arms makes a noveske style flash hider as well. Looks like shes gona be all King Arms on the outside.


Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 698512)
what is with you and aqua making excessively sexy guns....

Because we are both crazy sex fiends. We are both attending the taboo naughty but nice sex show tomorow.

skalnok April 18th, 2008 23:31


taboo naughty but nice sex show tomorow.
do tell how taht goes or it didnt happen :P

Roughneck April 18th, 2008 23:32

..and my pistol grip :D haha

Mr Jon April 18th, 2008 23:43

For some reason that gun reminded me of a flame thrower, must be that KX3 lol.
Lookin gooood!

BoB April 19th, 2008 02:40

I'm sure you put some money into that, but to me, it looks odd.

BoB April 19th, 2008 02:40

To each his own.

TokyoSeven April 19th, 2008 03:13

I think the experience of building one from scratch negates the cost. Honestly I slightly think that it would look a little better if the barrel was about an inch shorter, so the flash hider was almost flush with the ras.

Styrak April 19th, 2008 04:02


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 698622)
I think the experience of building one from scratch negates the cost. Honestly I slightly think that it would look a little better if the barrel was about an inch shorter, so the flash hider was almost flush with the ras.

Just like my maybe strange, stubby M4 CQB that I'm building. Might be ugly to some people, but I'm building it and it's my baby.

Bowers April 19th, 2008 08:53


very nice gun t7

Dusti69 April 20th, 2008 02:50

could you smuggle that over the border so i can hump it?
would look real nice with a good scope on it. it sorta has that sniper look to it due to the length
maybe some of these on the side rails

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