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RacingManiac April 10th, 2008 16:14

My TM 1911A1
Just received it today from Marksman. I have plan for this thing, though how far I can get with it will depend on a lot of stuff......

Bone stock:

RacingManiac April 10th, 2008 16:29

After installing the SD stainless barrel, the slide sticks with it, so I need to do some fitting still....also installed is Pachmayr Signature Grip with finger groove. These are drop-in. And they are rubber with lead weight, so it does not feel much lighter if at all compared to the weighed Stock grip...and they provide a similar feel to my Hi-Capa in terms of width....Next step is to put in the 3 hole Nine-Ball trigger I have sitting around...and I have to decide on whether to go ahead and strip the controls of their paint and polish them...

Amos April 10th, 2008 17:08

Those are very nice grips on the 1911.

Awesome :)

Razzberry April 10th, 2008 17:10

Its so beautiful!

RacingManiac April 10th, 2008 20:48

Found the NineBall trigger that I bought used for Hi-Capa before I got the KM one so I threw that on the 1911 too....

MrEvolution April 10th, 2008 20:57

Hmm, I have a Tanio Koba metal outer barrel, my slide sticks as well, like 2mm from full return. Its annoying as hell as you have to literally PUNCH it to make it move.

RacingManiac April 10th, 2008 21:02

One thing I just did to help that was I removed the insert inside the barrel bushung....its like a C-clip to prevent the metal bushing from scratching the plastic barrel...the gun can cycle now....

Other stuff I'd do is maybe take a file to the barrel lugs portion for the slide and maybe chamfer those out a bit....I had to do that for the Hi-Capa when fitting the barrel to the slide...

cgivisionary April 10th, 2008 21:08

Looking good. Looking good. :D :D :D

RacingManiac April 11th, 2008 02:11

some additional observation and notes after been able to fiddle with the gun and shoot off a mag. take down of the 1911 is similar to the Hi-Capa, some parts are more fiddly, others are better designed. The grip safety for whatever reason works better than that on my Hi-Capa. It was never that functional on it, maybe because I bought it used, I don't know. But this actually works. plastic slide cycles pretty fast with propane, and no problem with my SD barrel now, and all I really did was taking out that clip in the bushing. GI sights aren't as bad as I thought provided there are enough lighting. Gas capacity is a joke compare to Hi-Capa, but its not hard to see why compare the size of the mags. The finish of the gun is very nice for plastic, and a big improvement over TM G26, the last plastic TM I had. Though the KSC G19's HW frame still feels the best. And I still like to eventually get a metal kit for this somehow....:D

Krame April 11th, 2008 02:14

Glad to hear you like it. I've always thought the 1911 was functionally a better than the hi-capa too. My Delta has zero play in the slide to frame fit, it just feels like a more solid gun. What kit are you gonna get? Nova?

RacingManiac April 11th, 2008 15:40

If I can source it in Canada, a Nova Springfield kit...debating still as to what I want it to look....

KNIVEZS April 11th, 2008 15:52

loookin good

RacingManiac April 11th, 2008 17:48

ProbeJax April 11th, 2008 22:45

I really like that slide.

ILLusion April 12th, 2008 00:01


Originally Posted by ProbeJax (Post 692515)
I really like that slide.

Then Tokyo Marui made a good choice in the appearance of their bone stock slide... :D

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