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Non Credo April 6th, 2008 21:28

P90 mags feeding?
O, hallo. Im looking into gettin a P90 because I really want something I can one-hand and make go +30 bps to use for cqb, but I have one hang up. I know I must remove my hi caps to wind them, which Id rather not do, so I was wondering how well said hi caps fed. Whole mags? Half mags? Or should I just go ahead and buy the box mag for it? And I know Ill have issues with the box mag keeping up with a +30 bps set up.

many tanks.

Mantelope April 6th, 2008 21:36

P90 hicaps pretty much suck... they were designed to feed the whole mag on one wind, since the winding part's on the bottom of the mag, but yeah, they suck and tend to jam pretty frequently. The "boxmag" that First Factory makes uses an M4/M16 hicap as the winding mechanism, so if you can find one that'll feed at the speed you require, you're good to go.

That said, the boxmag makes the P90 look pretty retarded in my opinion; 1800rpm is also ridiculously unnecessary.

Non Credo April 6th, 2008 21:40

oh absolutely. Entirely unnecessary in that it is entirely impractical. I will strip often even short stroked, but necessary in that I must have the highest rof of anyone I know. And the noobs as well... they require utter domination.

Mantelope April 6th, 2008 21:49

Hey, as long as you realize it's ridiculous =P

The P90's absolutely suited for it... the boxmag uses the space where the regular-sized mag usually goes for up to a 9.6V "large" battery. Or, you can use a lithium battery in the regular location.

Corpo April 7th, 2008 15:06

i use a p90 as my primary weapon, i've done some mods to it.. what i use are systema helical torque ups, a better then stock piston (forgot brand), upgraded spring, and a 3 cell lipo battery.. among other upgrades unrelated to rof.. it has a fairly insane rof. but if you stuck with a normal gear ratio...

as far as the p90 hicaps go, here's what i do and it works for me. although the hicaps are only 300 rounds..

now i have no idea what they are saying, but the picture is what i need..

see the red hilighted area on the first picture? i filled that in with some clay and put a edge around it with popcan aluminium, and superglued it.

at first it never worked for me, but i sprayed the intierior of the mag with a little silicone lube, now a full wind will last the whole mag and it works flawlessly

ProbeJax April 7th, 2008 15:12

I wouldn't recommend trying a P90 high cap. After trying one briefly myself, it's just not worth the trouble. P90 low caps come with 68 BBs, which I think is plenty. If you're looking at that M16 Box mag conversion though, remember that it can only take one single type of Marui M16 mag, and not any of the other companies', so you'd have to buy specific magazines for it anyway.

Duckman April 10th, 2008 22:37

seeing as you already have hicaps, what you do is wind them up until you get the solid clicking, not to be confused with the regular *tic tic tic* will be a pronounced clicking, one or 2 will do. assuming you dont jam, it will empty the entire mag.

The Saint April 10th, 2008 22:39

One could always hope and pray that CA makes some TM-compatible midcaps when they release their P90.

Non Credo April 10th, 2008 23:23


Originally Posted by ProbeJax (Post 688407)
P90 low caps come with 68 BBs, which I think is plenty.

Remember, Im going for ~30 rounds per second.... so that mag would last for a just over 2 second burst...


Originally Posted by Duckman (Post 691636)
what you do is wind them up until you get the solid clicking, not to be confused with the regular *tic tic tic* will be a pronounced clicking, one or 2 will do. assuming you dont jam, it will empty the entire mag.

Ive used friends' P90s before, have wound them all the way, until the loud & distinct click, dont mean to be a douche but I know how to wind a hicap man, and have found on multiple occasions that they do not feed the entire mags... And what they do feed does not always keep up with something set up for a high rof. Ive noticed intermittent dry firing.

So... I dunno. Id love a P90 for cqb... so easy to take corners, left or right. Mags seem to be the only issue.

Kos-Mos April 11th, 2008 02:18

If you use a P90 hicap, you will shoot only 6-10 rounds then you get a nice "wirzzzzzzzz"

I ran a 28 rps setup. All stock plus a 12v battery (high end Li-Po)

I would recommend you to get a SystemA gear set along with a turbo motor.

Then you can drop-in a MOSFET switch (I have some :D) and a Li-Po pack, 11.1v.

You better go with the "Box mag". I know a guy that wired it as an auto winding boxmag.

And by the way, it holds 3000bbs, not 1800.

dodger_me April 11th, 2008 02:42

Wierd, i used my friends p90 last year(mind it was brand new) and didnt have any feeding issues with the mag. unloaded a whole highcap in game. but then considering whos p90 it was it they probably took apart the bar that pushes forward and relubed it and got everything working really nicely

Duckman April 11th, 2008 06:23


Originally Posted by Non Credo (Post 687878)
I know I must remove my hi caps to wind them, which Id rather not do, so I was wondering how well said hi caps fed.

that portion makes no indication that you've fully wound the mag. only states that you'd rather not remove to wind. most mags that arent electricly wound will have trouble keeping up to rof that high.

i have several hicaps and they generally fed fine for the for 2 years or so depending on how much you use them and how well the bb's "allign" in the mag itself before they jam up inside. i've long since switched up to standard mags which isnt really all that usefull to you even if they could keep up with your rof. you'd be forever loading.

Caninjap October 26th, 2011 21:16

sorry I'm restarting a somewhat dead thread, but I was wondering if anyone has done the p90 hi-cap mod that was suggested here.

lurkingknight October 26th, 2011 21:53

I'm about to try right now. got 2 high caps here that don't feed very well... and I'm going to try a temporary hot glue and a wedge of eraser where the big red block is in the picture of the link.

XZIVR October 26th, 2011 22:14

+1 for the MAG 170 round midcaps. No rattle, plenty of ammo. :)

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