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youonlywish March 15th, 2008 19:39

Generating an idea: The best way to ship.
Hey folks.
Looking for some brainstorming here to get a bunch of stuff shipped off to me.

I'm looking to have a BUNCH of gear, shipped to me all at once. I'm talking full webbing, uniform, helmet, boots.

I'm thinking the easiest way to contain it all is to put it all in a dufflebag.

What about shipping though? A big box, with Canada Post? I'm not on any kind of time-frame, but looking more to stay cheap.


Renegade) March 15th, 2008 19:40

How about a secure plastic tote or something like u get from walmart.. one of those wrapped with paper and taped would work fine for shipping.

JacoNB March 15th, 2008 19:43

Depending on where you're getting it shipped FROM (since you're on an island)... but SMT bus' "Courier service" is actually dirt cheap compared to Canada Post. I shipped a VSR Gspec rifle from Fredericton to Halifax for something like, $20 -- and it got there the same day.

TokyoSeven March 15th, 2008 19:51

Im with the bus service idea.

youonlywish March 15th, 2008 20:01

Never heard of it.

Also, this HAS to be boxed up eh?
I can't slap an address label on a duffle bag?

JacoNB March 15th, 2008 20:12

Don't think you need to box it, as long as it's securely closed. I mean, they carry it in the luggage compartment, and they carry duffle bags full of stuff all the time. The only difference is that nobody is travelling with the bag.

**doesn't look like they go to Nfld anyway. :(

TokyoSeven March 15th, 2008 20:43

Yeah I sent my M4 to a friend in Regina who was using it for a nude photoshoot, I shipped it in its box wrapped in brown paper with his name and address and phone number on it. I think theres forms you fill out with the name of the person who is picking the item up. My gun got shipped back the same way on the bus, in its box wrapped in brown paper with my name address and phone number on it. I showed up at the bus station showed some ID to the clerk and they gave me my parcel.

demco11 March 15th, 2008 21:48


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 670022)
Yeah I sent my M4 to a friend in Regina who was using it for a nude photoshoot, I shipped it in its box wrapped in brown paper with his name and address and phone number on it. I think theres forms you fill out with the name of the person who is picking the item up. My gun got shipped back the same way on the bus, in its box wrapped in brown paper with my name address and phone number on it. I showed up at the bus station showed some ID to the clerk and they gave me my parcel.


bus courier is a great service, and very affordable

Chrios March 15th, 2008 23:11

Greyhound does it; my dad ships/recieves stuff from them from time to time. Try calling them?

Pip March 15th, 2008 23:52


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 670022)
Yeah I sent my M4 to a friend in Regina who was using it for a nude photoshoot,


Oh come on someone had to ask....

Only if its a chick though...don't want a nudie of some airsofter with a M4 with LaRue RIS....can get enough of that stuff here on ASC

PaCHeKo! March 16th, 2008 00:18

Tits and guns FTW!

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