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xsnipes March 11th, 2008 11:11

Anyone trsut these?
would you trust these in you aeg? There pretty cheap so I wanted to make sure.

Capt. Tyco March 11th, 2008 11:12

not a chance.

Qlong March 11th, 2008 11:13

They have those in Walmart, think its around 16 dollars, they are really soft, I can put dent in them with my nail, but I haven't used them in my AEG yet.

Jimski March 11th, 2008 11:14

I use them at our PB field.
dirt cheap, not too bad, not polished.
not good for tightbores, okay for spraying, CQB...

not good for high-ROF.

Tankdude March 11th, 2008 11:15

I use them all time, no problems, even with a tightbore.

Qlong March 11th, 2008 11:50

Any differences in performance?

Harbinger of Darkness March 11th, 2008 12:53

I use them at FR indoor. They're decent for CQB and dirt cheap. As Jimski said they're not polished and they suck balls in pistol mags and in tight bores. Performance wise they're on par with any other Bio BB. IIRC they're re branded KSC Bios. Some one correct me if I'm wrong on that.

flame March 11th, 2008 13:54

I'm scared to use mine.My teammate used them last season and they shreaded in his gun and pluged it up good.I think I'm just going to use them for my claymores.

kalnaren March 11th, 2008 14:07

Wasn't there an incident involving Bio BB's at Boarder Wars?

Jimski March 11th, 2008 14:38


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 666546)
Any differences in performance?

you loose a bit of precision / grouping gets wider, not a big deal.

I get a few misfeeds on my insanely-fast-rof aeg (that's probably because of the rof but idk)

Crunchmeister March 11th, 2008 18:29

I've bought them from Walmart before. I use them when I go shooting at a friend's place. It's not uncommon for us to go through 5 000 rounds in an afternoon of plinking, and I don't want to leave his property littererd with plastic BBs, so I use these.

They work great in most of my AEG mags... I have no issues with them in 50 and 68 round mags, but they give me feed problems in my 130 rnd Armalite mags, 110 rnd AK mags, and 100 rnd MP5 mags. I have load those mags to only 1/2 capacity in order to use them with those BBs. And they give me feed problems in all the pistols I've tried them in.

pusangani March 11th, 2008 18:32

I use these exact same ones from Walmart all the time, bought a bucket last week actually, theyre great for plinking around the house, but as Crunchmeister said they do have feed problems, I have only hi-caps and they do misfead all the time, then you have to take out the mag n slap it back in

warfare99 March 11th, 2008 19:04

how about these

Crunchmeister March 11th, 2008 19:19

Bascially, if it's for plinking and not wanting to litter up your yard, go for it. If you want accuracy and range in a game, go for good quality BBs.

I should add that I have had a couple of these BBs break in the mags of my pistols, and that was one reason for feed problems. The other problem with feeding (as Jimski noted) is that they're not polished, and the surface is quite rough. This probably affects their accuracy too.

I never tried them in hicap mags, so I can't vouch for that. Only tried them in midcaps so far.

And as said, they're $16 + tax at Walmart. Why would anyone want to order them online for $20 US + shipping? :S

warfare99 March 11th, 2008 19:28

hmmmm... well im gonna be using em in high caps so i have no idea.

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