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pusangani January 31st, 2008 01:21

Double Eagle M87P Spetsnaz
Hello all, does anyone know anything about this aeg, apart from the usual product description, has anyone handled one or know anyone who has?

surebet January 31st, 2008 01:43

In what country are you?

You best... er... pretty much only option is to get age verified and buy from the classifieds

TokyoSeven January 31st, 2008 01:43

Ive never handled one.
Double Eagle in my opinion is a bit below midrange, but opinions on brands you will find range far and wide.

-Metal Body
-Supposedly 290fps with a .20
-version 3 mechbox
-has a hopup
-Supposedly 100% upgradeable, if its compatable with TM parts or whose parts I cannot confirm.

Found a short review on a UK website. Its nothing special.

pusangani January 31st, 2008 02:07

Thanks, I had already read that review as its one of the better ones I found on Google. Right now I have a Cyma CM0506 ak, which is ok for shooting around the house but I wanted a sort of project gun that I can turn into a beast if and when I ever start going to games etc.

TokyoSeven January 31st, 2008 03:14

Look into the JG spetsnaz, the price shouldnt be to terrible.
Or, your gona have to do some digging, or perhaps someone else maybe kind enough to link it to you here, there exists a Kraken Ak47 its not a spetsnaz but its still something along the same lines I believe.Its sold in Canada by a sporting goods supplier of some form. Now originally it comes with a clear body, but I have heard that with only a small investment into a new body and a few internals it becomes a very formidable aeg.

pusangani January 31st, 2008 03:45

yeah the JG version looks good, but the price is alot more than the Double Eagle one, if it really is 100% upgradeable it has alot of potential at a low price, on another note, do you guys know if the Cyma CM0506 is upgradeable? right now it shoots at about 250fps i think, but the hopup is crappy so i put a screw through the adjusment slide so that it doesn't move

TokyoSeven January 31st, 2008 04:00

Im not versed on the information of CYMA's products, but Im going to go out on a limb and say that your AK should be upgradeable, albiet may not be 100% compatable with TM made parts, that is not to say you can not look to other retailers. A decent spring, spring guide, metal bushings, piston, piston head, cylinder head, airseal nozel, and hopup should bring everything up. But at the cost of parts and the amount of work required to be done, especially if you are not versed in working with the internals of an AEG, its just less painless to purchase the JG or maybe even the Kraken.

pusangani January 31st, 2008 04:30

thank, NICE! thats good to hear. I've opened it up and taken everything out and put them back together before so I think I'm comfortable with switching the parts out if I need to

pusangani January 31st, 2008 17:41

so i got the Double Eagle, n it is effin AWESOME!!!! real sturdy build, no stock or grip wobble or anything like my other gun. it shoots pretty hard but i haven't done a can test yet but im pretty sure it can pass. funny thing tho, are the batteries supposed to be packaged inside the gun and already connected?

ancorp January 31st, 2008 17:43

Nope, battery should be separate. Perhaps it was test fired before sale?

Crunchmeister January 31st, 2008 17:50

I have the Double Eagle AK47. Mechanically speaking, the gun has fired about 20 000 rounds, most in sustained full auto bursts, and it's still to fail on my.

However, beware of the construction. If you're getting the plastic body version (they do make a metal version as well), the plastic is VERY brittle. My rifle fell from a height of about 12 inches and the stock broke off basically shattering the whole rear part of the receiver as if it had been made of glass.

Also, this gun is not fully TM compatible, so upgrading or repairing may be an issue down the road. Personally, if I was looking for a budget AK, I would get an Aftermath Kraken

matt491 January 31st, 2008 17:51

Be careful with the internals. My Double Eagle UMP was pretty good, I thought, out of the box. Shot consistant 330's and was fairly accurate for CQB games, which is better than I was expecting, but I took it to my gun doc (just got it back tonight) to have it upgraded to the hills as the rate of fire was PAINFULLY slow on full auto. Get new bushings as fast as possible and change the hopup rubber. The hopup assembly in general seems to be crap on mine, anyway, so I'm trying to track down a new one, and get it reshimmed. Mine was AWFUL out of the box.

Things an absolute BEAST now though! Systema Turbo motor, new metal bushings, new spring guide, regreased and reshimmed. AT LEAST double the ROF it had before. I'm happy :)

pusangani January 31st, 2008 17:58

hmm food for thought, on partial battery life,the ROF isn't bad. the only upgrades i think i may want right now are jus maybe the barrel and seals and maybe a reshim. for the price i paid tho im absolutely happy with this aeg, except for all the RIS, that shit has no place on MY AK!

Crunchmeister January 31st, 2008 17:59

ROF was ok with my DE AK. Not as good as either my stock TM or CA guns. Was still acceptable though. Now that I have torque-up gears in my C8 (former M4), its ROF is about the same as that of the AK. So I wouldn't say it's bad, but if it's a BB hose you're looking for, this isn't the gun for it.

That being said, I really like mine. I thought about selling its battered carcass for parts, but I'm going to hold on to it and possibly rebuild it in the future with better parts.

Oh, and get a new battery. The batteries that come with DE guns are poo. I charged mine about 10 times before it would no longer hold a charge worth a damn. First few charges, it lasted for thousands of rounds, but would slowly diminish. Right before it broke, I could only fire off about three 110 rnd mags before the battery died. And the battery was always charged with a smart charger, so never overcharged to ruin it. The battery is just plain garbage.

pusangani January 31st, 2008 18:02

another funny thing about the battery tho, on the instruction manual, it says 1200 mah battery included, but it actually came with a 1500 mah battery wtf?

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