Dracheous |
December 22nd, 2007 20:50 |
Originally Posted by Drake
(Post 600799)
Unfortunately, it seems Marui is finally starting the heat from competitors now that solid and increasingly reliable products are coming out (STAR, G&P, VFC... maybe even CA for some stuff), and are turning to gimmicks to get attention.
I wouldn't say that Drake, TM already has its consumer base, and its quality to keep its customers, and that airsoft is larger than paintball around the world, there's still a good base for them. I think TM is really looking to these "new ideas" to flaunt in a way that other companies like you've mention have. "Special Editions" and "Limited Editions", TM hasn't really created a LOT of these recently, or none that I've seen. And even still, I remember when I started playing few years ago TM had an M60 in the works that was going to have a "rocker" that shook the ammo belt to make it appear to be feeding. The point to that was the TM M60 never caught, and I think that this AK could be just another one of those products that they create and show case, in marketing research to see what people really want. Lots of companies do stuff like that, they show off the product and then shelve it for a year or two and then WHAM its all over the place. Just look at that flat touch screen stuff. Two years ago we had threads all over the place about that stuff, and now were all after the iPhone which is pretty much the front runner in that technology now.
Anyway, I don't think TM is fearful of its competitive edge, they still have the largest line up of guns available from one manufacture. Yes, several companies are catching up, CA has had a great push lately at their expansion, and ICS is growing too. But the fun thing is simply that if you look at most the other manufactures out there, all their parts are GENERALLY TM compatible, and the fact that we all look for TM compatibility alone should really drive home exactly how safe TM's consumer base really is; for the time being anyway.