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Pwner August 30th, 2007 22:34

TM PSG-1 help plz!
ok well i bought my gun about a month ago and just got all my parts, i got a 300% ftk magnum medium motor and i switched out the spring to a 200%, put all the gears in and everything, and spent over 20 hours trying to fix the box that activates firing. and i improved it to a system that worked better. i have spent over 100 hours trying to fix this gun, now i just did everything and i had the motor out of the handle and it all worked flawlessly. then i put it in and the motor plate on, pull the trigger and nothing happens, eventually the battary and wires start to get hot so i unplug it, i now have no idea what this could be, and the motor dosnt even make a noise. Also i bought a heat resistant selector switch and it dosnt seem to be working,to make the connection complete it has to be pulled back farther then what the fire selector can do, anyone else had these problems or am i alone? :(

Skladfin August 30th, 2007 22:40

I think the motor is too tight in this case. loosen it?

hattrick August 30th, 2007 22:54

the spring being my only guess, put in a 130 at most....assuming you live in canada and plan on feilding this best of a machine!

Pwner August 30th, 2007 23:05

well 200% for a psg-1 will only give around 470fps, so its fine, the 300% gives 550. and loosing the motor did KINDA work but it didnt pull the spring back all the way. it pulled it 3/4 and stoped and coudlnt do anything. so now i took it all apart again. i think i may have had to many bushings or something because the gears wouldnt turn

ILLusion August 31st, 2007 01:13


Originally Posted by Pwner (Post 528790)
ok well i bought my gun about a month ago and just got all my parts, i got a 300% ftk magnum medium motor and i switched out the spring to a 200%, put all the gears in and everything, and spent over 20 hours trying to fix the box that activates firing. and i improved it to a system that worked better. i have spent over 100 hours trying to fix this gun, now i just did everything and i had the motor out of the handle and it all worked flawlessly. then i put it in and the motor plate on, pull the trigger and nothing happens, eventually the battary and wires start to get hot so i unplug it, i now have no idea what this could be, and the motor dosnt even make a noise. Also i bought a heat resistant selector switch and it dosnt seem to be working,to make the connection complete it has to be pulled back farther then what the fire selector can do, anyone else had these problems or am i alone? :(

Did you install the relay that came with the FTK?

The PSG-1 is an incredibly finicky gun to upgrade. If you've never upgraded an AEG before or don't know what you're doing, this is one of the few guns that I HIGHLY don't recommend you try to upgrade yourself. I'd also recommend you get a 10.8v battery.

Pwner August 31st, 2007 02:00

yeah i have a 10.8, and what you mean the relay, is that the custom fuse box? i didnt bother with that. ive watched many vids on it and upgrade my aeg before, this seemed simpliar, now i am having a problem with the gears not turning, as if there were to many shims in, even tho i just took one out, it somehow made it harder to turn..

can someone give me specifics on how many shims i should put in between each gear,because the ones i find online are for stock gears and didnt work to well. thanks

ILLusion August 31st, 2007 07:11

It's not a "fuse box". The relay allows more power to flow to your motor without burning holes in to your switch assembly or melting your wires when cranking a spring so strong. Don't ignore that part, it's there for a reason.

It's also a very expensive part - you paid for it with the FTK, might as well use it, right?

Google "airsoft shim guide".

Monkey August 31st, 2007 10:00

i hope you dont have a bad ground somewhere, and are shorting the damn thing.

Pwner August 31st, 2007 15:20

ok thanks im going to try with those shims and if i get time ill install the relay, 1 more thing i am reading this systema sheet they gave me with the ftk, and it says "file burr where the pushpin was on the base, to level off, again please be sure to level off the tip of the sector gear cum. if the setting at this stage is not satisfactory, the trouble such as the double shooting my occur later" and i have no idea what it is talking about...

Pwner August 31st, 2007 15:58

ahhh!!! k well i put all the shims in according to and now when i put it all together its so tight the gears wont turn again!! any suggestions?

Styrak August 31st, 2007 19:30


Originally Posted by Pwner (Post 529159)
ahhh!!! k well i put all the shims in according to and now when i put it all together its so tight the gears wont turn again!! any suggestions?

Quote directly from that site: REMINDER: This is only a starting point for the proper shimming of your gearbox. Each gear may require more or less shimming.

Pwner August 31st, 2007 20:28

yeah turns out the set up that came with the ftk works, jus seemed like there wasnt enough, im probably going to have to take this gun to our airsoft mechanic around here cuz theres still problems :(

Pwner August 31st, 2007 22:39

can anyone help me with the gear timing on this, i made it the exact same as the ones in this pic
and it can pull back the spring but it wont release it

ILLusion September 1st, 2007 15:10

If you can get the gearbox to turn, then the issue isn't gear timing. It's pretty hard to mess up an airsoft gun's "gear timing". The idea of it being so important is actually a myth.

Pwner September 1st, 2007 20:28

yeah thats what my gun doctor said, now he dosnt have time to take any guns cuz hes going back to school :( he said my problem is probably the plastic piece infront of the trigger, where it makes the connection complete, does anyone have one i could mabe buy? thanks

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