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Cassius July 15th, 2007 14:44

My custom SR-16 baptized Falcon Mk.I
So here I am, so god damn close to completing this project and I am already thinking about Mk. II but first I would really love your opinion on my baby.

She's a Tokyo Marui SR-16 with lots of mods:
Metal Body
Custom Gas block
Sleeve Rail
KAC FlashHider
Custom Systema/Prometheus Inner barrel, Gearbox, Hopup
Based on my pop can FPS test, it should be shooting around 370fps
Mounted here with a Barska SKS 4x Scope

I've had this build for a little while but was waiting for one part to post pictures and now it seems that god damn part is discountinued. If anyone has a Magpul Rounded Triggerguard, I WANT IT! So, please enjoy the pictures, they were taken quickly and all of them except the first one were with natural light.

Xenos-Fear July 15th, 2007 14:53

Real nice buddy ! Real nice job you did on it ! Armalites ! Mmmmm...

Cassius July 15th, 2007 14:57

Thanks alot :D

Sierra_Hotel July 15th, 2007 19:07

Nice baby you got. I'm seriously thinking about getting a Sr-16 myself.

Tank94 July 15th, 2007 19:23

Everybody that has a AR makes something that makes it stand out of the masses of AR out there, you're no exception man.

Good work

Ronan July 15th, 2007 19:27

Nice gun Cassius, can't wait to hold it :P

LeGROS July 15th, 2007 20:03

Bravo Cassius...

WOW je vois maintenant ce que je pourrai faire avec mon TM SR-16 tout neuf!! J'espere le voir de plus pres à Rawdon!!??

Lakonian July 15th, 2007 20:05

Damn man! You Quebec boys know how to crank out some serious ARs. I miss my AR.. :(

Cassius July 15th, 2007 20:14

Thanks alot guys. I truly appreciate it. :D

Small update: My most trusted parts supplier, Karnage from Velocity Arms has gotten his hands on Magpul Rounded Triggerguard which means that once installed this gun will be final until I figure out exactly what I want to do for Mk. II.

LeGros, lol ton nom est cool, anyways, je serai surement pas a la game de Rawdon meme si je vendrais ma mere pour y aller :( les DOW sont des dieux sauf que avec les taches que j'ai au studio et le fait qu'on soit en rush, je risque de travailler...pas mal tout le reste de l'ete..

Cet automne, cet hiver et l'ete prochain je devrais etre plus libre car on sera en debut de projet donc j'aurai le temps de me pointer. Au pire j'amenerai mon bebe au Action Commando pour vous le montrer et j'utiliserai mon G36 pour vous demonter :P

Je vais quand meme faire mon possible pour essayer de me pointer a une game cet ete...

kos, thanks alot :) that gun is a project I've had in mind for a long time and once Mk. I is completed there will also be a website dedicated to it. If the website kicks off nicely I will provide hosting as well as the html source for free for people to show up their baby. I just need to gauge the interest if it would be worth it...

Nervikaire July 15th, 2007 20:15

Les Magpul enhanced trigger guards sont disponibles... partout. Très loin d'être discontinué, ils ont même sorti un deuxième modèle ''folding''. Si tu n'en trouves pas en stock chez un revendeur/distributeur, commande de chez Magpul même.

Cassius July 15th, 2007 20:36

Ouin, comme j'ai dis plus haut Karnage m'en a trouve et je dois t'admettre que j'avais pas penser a aller chez Magpul directement.

Sierra_Hotel July 16th, 2007 20:37

Vraiment je commence à en vouloir un, dès que ma carte de crédit sort de l'hopital...

Gato July 16th, 2007 22:59

AWSOME rifle Cassius, keep it up and make sure to show us Mk. II if/when it happens!

Cassius July 16th, 2007 23:11

Thanks alot, Mk. II will happen and I'm already going through designs.

I'm also working with Karnage from Velocity Arms to get my hands on other parts for another rifle as well.

I'm really happy to see you guys like it :D

Lakonian July 16th, 2007 23:25

Hey Cassius! Check out some BUIS from Yankee Hill, and Rock River Arms! I think a gas-block/flipper would really compliment the Nitro VO rail!

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