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Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 13:54


Need a better AN/ PEQ and probably a KAC QD silencer. Probably a tac light wouldnt hurt. Other than that i dont think i can do to much more with it. Heres real steel for comparison.

gamz May 29th, 2007 13:56

Beautiful piece.

Nervikaire May 29th, 2007 14:07

The Mk18 Mod0 and the CQBR are not exactly the same gun, but it's not like it really matters. For an Mk18, there is not much to add indeed, appart from the trades on the body :p Nice build :)

Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 14:13

well im either going to remove the trades or krylon it. Kind of split down the middle.

Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 14:30

: ( i wish i could change the title now. i got pwn3d

Nervikaire May 29th, 2007 14:31

Wrong, LMT uppers for the Mk.18 come in 10,5" while Colt uppers that are ALSO used in Mk18's are 10,3". Colt uppers are actually used more often then LMT as for the lower it can be M4A1 too. For the stock, more recent versions hae the LMT SOPMOD while older versions have the in-house Crane. Mk.18's are also seen with Colt regular and ''LE'' stocks.

Lakonian May 29th, 2007 14:48

I don't think m16 a1 lowers are used , man. First off, they have sharper edges around the front body pins, whereas the one in the picture does not. And if it's an M16 lower, wouldn't the trigger group be different aswell?

Anyways.. nice gun KG3, pretty damn bad-ass. I'm still stuck at the drawing boards... but I'll show ya mine when it's done ^_^


Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 15:24

Okay okay, its apparent that while my AEG is nice, its not quite a CQBR (or mk 18) Aside from removing the trades, what do i need. Help for i am a young padawan. Im so used to HK weapons where its pretty straight forward, not ARs or AKs where the options are limitless. I feel bad, i wish i had researched this a bit more.

Also i doubt they use M16 A1 lowers. I think you mean they use the same trigger group.

Also i posted this on and i got this post right after. I believe its the definition of pwn3d. weird trades though, but i know ive seen that lower before

Yuu May 29th, 2007 15:46

They don't use A1 lower receiver, its all A3 receivers. If someone else wants to be build 100% exact copy then my god i'll give you a golden cup award, but since not everything can be done in airsoft example, trademarks, the difference of .2 inches in barrel length etc... You couldn't tell them from far apart or side by side.

Give Amazing KG3 a break, at least he is willing to spend his time and money to build something what he wants similiar to Mk18.

Quoted from Wiki


* Upper and lower receivers: The lower receiver is a standard M4A1 lower receiver with no modifications. Internally, the CQBR also takes advantage of a larger gas port and modified bolt carrier and buffer assembly. The gas port has been opened to 0.070 in (0.18 mm). The charging handle is a big-latch M84 Gas Buster, manufactured by Precision Reflex, Inc.

* Sights: Initially, detachable carrying handles cut down so that only the rear sight assembly was used. However, most of these have been replaced with the similar commercially-made Lewis Machine & Tool rear sight.

* Stock: A variety of M4 retractable buttstocks are used on a standard 4-position receiver extension. Most often seen is the SOPMOD stock, often referred to as the "Crane stock", created by Dave Armstrong of NSWC-Crane. The angled stock offers better cheekweld as well as providing two storage compartments for spare batteries. The stock must be removed from the weapon to access the storage compartments. The initial run of stocks was made by NSWC-Crane from glass fiber polymer. Because of this, they were somewhat fragile and did not always properly lock into the receiver extension. A rubber band was used to secure the latch so it would not slide out of the desired position. The current SOPMOD stocks are made by Lewis Machine & Tools and have none of the problems.

* Barrel: The CQBR uses a standard 1:7 in (178 mm) twist M4 barrel that has been reduced in length to 10.3 in (262 mm). The diameter of the barrel under the handguards is 0.625 in (16 mm). The KAC QD flash suppressor is fitted, allowing use of the KAC QD Suppressor (National Stock Number 1005-01-437-0324). Although it has a bayonet lug, the CQBR is not meant to be fitted with one.

* Handguards: The standard handguard for the CQBR is the Knight's Armament Company Rail Interface System (RIS; National Stock Number 1005-01-416-1089), which allows for the usage of any accessories that are compatible with MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rails.

Nervikaire May 29th, 2007 15:46

Depends, want to build a CQBR or a Mk18? For a CQBR, I would say get a CQD sling end plate (G&P makes one w/o trades for cheap), replace the A2 grip with an A1, 10,3'' barrel. For an Mk18, the regular end plate is possible, as well as the 10,5 incher but you would need to get an LMT marked rear sight. Older CQBR's had the Crane version rear sight w/o trades or am I mixing with the Mk.18? Anyways, all that to say that your gun is fine like it is, unless you REALLY want to make a SEAL or VBSS impression.

Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 15:53

Im talking to some people who have used both in the US Navy. I think i want to build a CQBR. Pointers boys. Also theres nothing wrong with laying into me, all of you have corrected my mistakes still like my gun, and that makes me happy.

Yuu May 29th, 2007 15:56


Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 (Post 478639)
Im talking to some people who have used both in the US Navy. I think i want to build a CQBR. Pointers boys. Also theres nothing wrong with laying into me, all of you have corrected my mistakes still like my gun, and that makes me happy.

Its all about your liking not us man. If you don't like your gun then i'm sad lol Everyone has their own ways of loving their guns, glad you like yours :P

Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 15:58

Oh i love it, and im not trying to make anything out of it, i just want some advice from of you guys. Just trying to pick your brains.

ILLusion May 29th, 2007 16:11

WGC Custom Guns:


mk18 mod0:

As far as I can tell, the only real difference are the receivers...

Also, several years ago, I did a CQBR replica. At the time, no airsoft Crane stocks were available, so most of my replicas weren't too accurate. However, at the time, there were some CQBR samples that used the standard M4 stock. Back then, the designation referred more to the upper, handguard/barrel setup and not so much the lower/rear of the gun. It was simply referred to as the "CQB-R upper". I don't even remember who I spoke to, but I contacted via email some guys who had access to and/or seen the real thing and said the lowers varied at the time, anywhere from Knight's to Colt lowers and the stocks were generally anything the operator preferred. I also recall coming across a national catalogue database that listed no actual "CQB-R" rifle - only a "CQB-R Upper" which could be attached to any lower/rear that the SEAL operator preferred.

Anyways, check out the gallery as I have different setups shown with pictures of actual operators with the first generation NSW DEVGRU CQB-R:

Amazing KG3 May 29th, 2007 16:28


Originally Posted by Yuxi (Post 478648)
Well, I hope it is clear that no 'hard feelings' are meant.

Personally I wanted to make a MK18 earlier, but when I proposed my parts to a friend who knew more than I, he corrected me from my errors.

I will post mine when I get a metal body, it pretty much just looks like yours anyways, cept with a G&P QD silencer.

Think about maybe getting a flashlight mounted on the side with a pressure switch maybe? Kekebbqplz?

Just a fyi, afaik the picture you posted of all those guns, is all airsoft, it is from this site

Oh yeah, no hard feelings at all, id rather know im missing some junk. if i didnt want honesty id ask my mom what she thinks of it. And yeah i know its airsfot, the guy i who showed me that in the mpnet thread is in airsoft.

So other than trades i can see that the sling mount is different, and the barrel is slightly shorter as well as the flash hider. So from now on ill just call it a CQBR. Can a mod change the title?

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