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wesser-man April 10th, 2007 18:03

Airsoft makes front page of Guelph's local paper... and not because the cops like it

conrad13 April 10th, 2007 18:06

GODDAMNIT, stupid kids, and stupid people people selling to minors.

gamz April 10th, 2007 18:12

I'm pro-choice for a reason.

thorvald April 10th, 2007 18:29


"We're not always goin to have the ability or time to determine whether it is real, and we treat them all as if they're real firearms," the officer said.
Finally a cop with half-a-brain...

If an idiot is waving around anything that looks remotely like a firearm, especially at a cop... he is a criminal, deal with him.

CDN_Stalker April 10th, 2007 18:32

Why did you re-type it and not just highlight, cut & paste onto here?

ThunderCactus April 10th, 2007 18:33

i agree, clear or not anything that has the silhouette of a fireman NEEDS to be stored in a locked guncase

Molson April 10th, 2007 18:36


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 451913)
i agree, clear or not anything that has the silhouette of a fireman NEEDS to be stored in a locked guncase

Yeah, you gotta be careful waving those firemen around.


McSpankyMp5 April 10th, 2007 18:41

WOW its people like that, that are going to get airsoft band, like keep them in your house unless your going to a a game then throw them in a duffle bag and put it in your trunk, and even though it doesn't look that cool Paint the tips orange.
lets use our heads people

Daes April 10th, 2007 18:52


Originally Posted by Molson (Post 451916)
Yeah, you gotta be careful waving those firemen around.


I got arrested waving my fireman around in church... The nuns were not too happy about it...

Seriously though, more push for some sort of 18+ infrastructure.

KoolAidMan April 10th, 2007 18:59

I just watch this on CP24 showing crapsoft guns.

MadMorbius April 10th, 2007 19:01

Doesn't matter. Never will. Criminals don't obey laws and could care less what restrictions are in place to govern the law-abiding.

They just laugh at us.

CDN_Stalker April 10th, 2007 19:32


Originally Posted by McSpankyMp5 (Post 451919)
WOW its people like that, that are going to get airsoft band, like keep them in your house unless your going to a a game then throw them in a duffle bag and put it in your trunk, and even though it doesn't look that cool Paint the tips orange.
lets use our heads people

Hmm, an airsoft band, never thought of that. Who plays what instrument? ;)

Ridiculous132 April 10th, 2007 19:42

If someone points a replica firearm in the direction of a cop... he deserves what's coming... I mean, do you ban bridges because people jump down? We don't really need bridges, we could just use chinook helicopters with child locks on the doors... but we would need to have something to secure the blades, they could hurt people that jump into them... styrofoam should do the trick...

Rukus April 10th, 2007 19:44


Originally Posted by Molson (Post 451916)
Yeah, you gotta be careful waving those firemen around.


If you rub your fireman's helmet he spits in your eye.

Eric Cartman :D

And yes anyone dumb enough to bring a replica out in the open deserves what he gets, be it the weapon gets taken away from him, or the dumbass get shot. That's just plain stupidity.

Greylocks April 10th, 2007 20:13

I'll repeat what I wrote in an almost identical thread; has anyone else noticed that those who are worried are under-aged or not verified yet?

Is it a problem because the parents can now read the laws?

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