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Xepharo March 2nd, 2007 09:13

Tanio Koba GBB C8 / AK74SU
I got this news just now from

Here's a link to the two videos of both guns shooting in GBB. I did not see any external gas can, I think everything is built in.

It reminds me of the Madbull's concept of Airsoft GBB Gearbox for armalites. They lost a lot of money making it though.

EDIT: I just realized Tanio Koba described the C8 as M4A1... so it's a M4A1 not a C8!!! I got C8 off ...

Gryphon March 2nd, 2007 09:28

Very interesting. I'm skeptical though, because to produce any appreciable amount of recoil you need a heavy bolt and internally powered guns have proven unable to manage that. The KWC Mini UZI is a perfect example. The Escort system is currently the most realistic and hard-recoiling system available but there's a reason it uses external gas.

I'm curious to see how these will work out. There's certainly plenty of room in an AK mag for a respectable gas reservoir. I'm on 56k at work so it'll take me a while to DL these vids, ugh...

ancorp March 2nd, 2007 11:05

AWESOME! God damn thats awesome. I dont give a damn about the M4 really. The bolt on the AK moves almost all the way back and sounds awesome. No gas tanks, gotta be internal in the magazines. Hopefully a cheaper alternative to those LA studios gas blowbacks that cost several grand each.

Damn I cant wait, hopefully this will finally start bringing back proper airsoft rifles. And... hopefully they will release an AKM GBB. If its under $1000 when it gets here, I'm gettin one!

Thanks for the links!


ancorp March 2nd, 2007 11:18

What I just noticed after watching the video a couple times is that, on the AK, the bolt carrier extends all the way back, i.e is much longer than the real thing, so there is no open slot when it is in the forwards position. I'm guessing they couldnt do without on their gas system.


Red Tiger March 2nd, 2007 11:36

Wow !

Did they finaly make a AEG with gas blow back and gas that is filled with each mag like a GBB !

I was wondering if they ever would built something like that !

I guess that now that it done !

Good job.

I can't wait to see it..

I hope seals will be better than some GBB's seals.

And i hope the mecanism involved is more tough than the common GBB Alway's broken.


ancorp March 2nd, 2007 11:48

Another thing I like about GBBs, is its more realistic in bad conditions. You get dust/sand, etc in there, and the cocking handle starts to slow down, jam, etc, while the gearbox is sealed.

If you have a jam in the gearbox, you often have to take the damn thing apart, but on these, riding the charging could solve it...

Would be fun to play in dirty environments and see how these hold up. I bet the M4 will jam because its an M4 ;)


ancorp March 2nd, 2007 11:57

Damn I'm all over this AK, sorry for all the posts.

He fired off 70 shots there, and possibly more to come from that one charge. Seems good enough for me!


tunabreath March 2nd, 2007 11:58

Babel fish:
- M 4 gas blow back models As for development of this model when already end, it is summer, ブロ? The schedule where the mass production sample which it backs up appears. Me we love the first model, "Canadian C? 8 "is. * As for blow back body, KOBA original real design. However stock and the outer barrel make common standard, with existence electromotive ガンパーツ have become the design whose variation development with the after market is possible.

Looks like it is a C8 after all. The first thingy as well as the individual blurbs imply gas in the mags.
- Of course this from cord condition of the liquid charge magazine blow back, AKS74U "of ビンラディン キレンコフ" of the short barrel and resin magazine form.

@ancorp: 70 shots, yeah, but who knows how much cool-down it's suffering by that point. Considering the actual size of the magazine (and potential gas storage space), it should be far less of an effect than on a pistol sized GBB.
*edit, I just realized that cool-down symptoms include lower rof, which would be evident from the video. awesome.

ancorp March 2nd, 2007 13:10


Originally Posted by tunabreath (Post 432035)
... However stock and the outer barrel make common standard, with existence electromotive ガンパーツ have become the design whose variation development with the after market is possible....

Ok thats an easy one - The stock and outer barrel and standard AEG parts, probably Tokyo Marui.

About the cooldown, yes it cycles slower, not by much, but slower on the last burst. Oh well. Still awesome, still worth getting.


made Man March 2nd, 2007 14:45

Pardon me while i go change.

What is even more awesome, Ak and C8 sounds different too!

Gryphon March 2nd, 2007 14:52

I've heard some more info about these. Apparently the power source is 75 gram CO2 but Tanio Koba is only getting around 200 shots per tank. Shoei gets 800 shots on the same tank in their GBB MG42. The recoil on Escort-powered guns is also considerably higher.

Nevertheless it's a VERY nice development for internally-powered gas blowbacks! Wonder what they'll cost and if they'll be regular production items.

HaZarD SFD March 2nd, 2007 15:04

I am very interested in further developments for more airsoft guns. Cant wait!

ancorp March 2nd, 2007 15:16


Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 432098)
I've heard some more info about these. Apparently the power source is 75 gram CO2 but Tanio Koba is only getting around 200 shots per tank. Shoei gets 800 shots on the same tank in their GBB MG42. The recoil on Escort-powered guns is also considerably higher.

Nevertheless it's a VERY nice development for internally-powered gas blowbacks! Wonder what they'll cost and if they'll be regular production items.

Those numbers honestly cannot be right. I mean come on, 200 shots vs 800, and a small bolt VS the huge chunk of metal and gigantic recoil spring on the MG42 cannot be correct.

Where did you get these numbers?


Xepharo March 2nd, 2007 20:23

Where is the CO2 storaged? The mag?? Doesn't really say.
If it is, that'd be great.

Yuu March 2nd, 2007 22:07


Originally Posted by Xepharo (Post 432309)
Where is the CO2 storaged? The mag?? Doesn't really say.
If it is, that'd be great.

it very possible.

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