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Pug_674 February 21st, 2007 01:15

Legit Fields/ legal issues
Well I just turned 17, I want to break into airsoft, but before I do I wanna know the rules, i was reading that thread about g_unit and getting his gun confiscated, and this is sorta similar to the situation i haev here in Calgary, a friend of mine invited me to his youthgroup airsoft party, we all haev crappy canadian tire spring guns, but still i am not 100% sure that what we are doing isnt really dumb, how do i find out if the field we are going to is legit, its not a paintball field i dont think, so is there any other way a field can be used legally for play? the field is privately owned (i know it makes no difference, just saying) and all i know is that it is out of town, i have no other knowledge to go on right now, how can i find out more etc?

Droc February 21st, 2007 01:28

well, to start off, those canadian tire guns...are not airsoft. Close, but not airsoft.

Tell us the field in question and Im sure local people will tell us what the deal is.
Also check out for local games and field info.

Darklen February 21st, 2007 01:38

Look up at the blue bar across the top of the page. Go to "Communities/Alberta/JOC". That's Joint Operations Calgary. Do an intro on their boards, read up on their rules & regs and they'll point you in the right direction.

malachite February 21st, 2007 02:35

i cant beleive no has razzed on you yet for not being 18+
but either way welcome im glad want to be responsable

oh and the FAQ's usualy help i read them but still asked a stupid question :P

Greylocks February 21st, 2007 06:34

Here are the basics; is everyone over 18? The site is insured? The site is approved for that use? Everyone has proper face protection?
How about advising the police first? Was that done? Can a passerby see what goes on?

No matter what your age, all of those suggestions should be filled first. It's just common-sense. Some of it may save your ass.

malachite February 21st, 2007 12:29

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

look who showed up... but as usual he makes very valide points

he is the asc guru.. he knows all,and will not hesitate to correct you with

Pip February 21st, 2007 13:35


Originally Posted by malachite (Post 427255)
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

look who showed up... but as usual he makes very valide points

he is the asc guru.. he knows all,and will not hesitate to correct you with

Brown nosing won't get you anywhere lol...

Colin_S February 21st, 2007 13:48

Age limits across the country are not universal (whether you agree or not is irrelevant) and it would have been nice if appropriate information were supplied... Pug_674 listen to Darklen and check out JOC.

Jayhad February 21st, 2007 13:54

i am fairley certian it is illegal to discharge an air gun with in city limits here in Calgary and there have been ass hats that have been pinched plinking in thier backyard here in the city. If a cop wants to you guys could get pinched

Greylocks February 21st, 2007 18:29


Originally Posted by Colin_S (Post 427274)
Age limits across the country are not universal (whether you agree or not is irrelevant) and it would have been nice if appropriate information were supplied... Pug_674 listen to Darklen and check out JOC.

Legal buying age is 18, playing (with supervision or waivers) varies depending on the field owners.

You still cant play airsoft just anywhere you please. And it's still safer/smarter to wait the short time until you are 18.

Jayhad February 21st, 2007 18:48

you can play at Laser trek off of flint road se in calgary under 18 if you have a parent sign the waiver.
I would suggest you play either monday or wednesday.
Monday is a shit show of non hit callers and habitual line steppers, but fun for the noobs
Wednesday is team night if you come to play there is a very good chance that you may get yelled at and it is ultra intimidating (sp) seeing all those dudes kitted up gunning for you, but everyone is in character and between games everyone is awesome, come and check it out.

evilmonkey February 21st, 2007 18:54

the only place here in calgary that i know of where we can legaly fire our guns is lazer trek, and thats only on the designated airsoft nights. If your planing on just heading down to fish creek park, edworthy park or even just the open field near your house it is illegal and people will call the police...i've seen it happen and i've been shot for just walking by one of these games... if this is your friend plan please stop it, our sport doesnt need more negative exposure in the eyes of the unknowing public

Dracheous February 21st, 2007 19:00


Originally Posted by Jayhad (Post 427405)
you can play at Laser trek off of flint road se in calgary under 18 if you have a parent sign the waiver.
I would suggest you play either monday or wednesday.
Monday is a shit show of non hit callers and habitual line steppers, but fun for the noobs
Wednesday is team night if you come to play there is a very good chance that you may get yelled at and it is ultra intimidating (sp) seeing all those dudes kitted up gunning for you, but everyone is in character and between games everyone is awesome, come and check it out.

THAT place is still open!? O_O

Rusty_D February 21st, 2007 19:02

Yeah more or less. Greylocks is right and i swear to god i've spent to much time on asc i've told people to stop spoon feeding others. One or two noob questions is okay but the ones we've been getting lately gah!

malachite February 21st, 2007 19:13

unfortunatly we have to "spoonfeed" (aka common sence) to people because with some of them they will end up doing something that can affect us all
on the flip side if we say "dont do it" they may just do what kids do and do it cause we said not to...cause some of em are just that bad...

lol brown nosing..thats funny

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