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Blink43va December 31st, 2006 00:02

BHI STRIKE Commando Recon Vest
After trying on the TT MAV and running around with it, I decided on not getting one, as it was way too loose even when cinched all the way. So I was wondering what you guys thought about the BHI Commando Recon Vest.

I will be buying 2x TAG Quadruple M14 Mag Pouches and a TAG Upright Utility Pouch. Eventually I will be getting a MOLLE compatible holster along with a hydro carrier, etc.

1. How can you attach a MOLLE Hydro Carrier without buying a back plate?

2. Is it worth the $80 (the rig itself, I personally love the look).

Thanks, :)


P.S. Yes I have researched

frag7 December 31st, 2006 00:13

I've got one and love it!
You'll need the back for a hydration carrier
Depending how big you are, you may need false plate for a better fit.

want to sell your MAV :D :D ?

lt_poncho December 31st, 2006 00:25

Funny, I made the same impression after using the TT MAV. The thing cut into my shoulders and was really uncomfortable after 10 hours.

The BHI STRIKE CCH is a really comfortable and impressive rig - I am sure you will enjoy it as I do mine.

vatek December 31st, 2006 00:54

Keep in mind those TAG pouches only fit one airsoft M14 mag easily. You have to seriously cram them in there to get two, it takes me both hands to get 'em in there. I just gave up and started using 'em as single mag pouches.

Blink43va December 31st, 2006 01:16

Thanks guys,

Vatek: Really... thats surprising and also annoying. Cause I have 6 TM M14 Standards and I am thinking of getting two more...

Oh well looks like I may use some other M14 Pouch, what would you say would be a better alternative?



rc_p120 December 31st, 2006 04:07

You will need the back panel to attach the MOLLE hydro carrier. You could just buy a regular hydration carrier with back straps and wear it normally with the chest rig.

Also check, he has a guide on how to strap down a Camelbak Thermobak to this chest rig w/o the back panel. Hope that helps.

David_CZ December 31st, 2006 05:58

what about a Modular Leg Panel?like this one:

you should be able to attach M14 Mag pouch

MadMorbius December 31st, 2006 09:13

Blackhawk makes double M14 pouches.

As for the hydration carrier, buy the back plate. The whole rig sits differently (and in my opinion more comfortably) with the back plate.

Blink43va December 31st, 2006 11:36

Ok will do eventually on the back plate and hydro carrier. But my main concern is the mag pouches. What about the TT Double M14 Mag Pouches? Anyone have experience with those? Remember I need to fit 6 standards.

Oh and also, dont get the wrong idea as I bring at least 5 bottles of water on top of my hydro bladder I already have in my cheap gear rig.

Thanks alot guys,


vatek December 31st, 2006 11:40

As a general rule, M16/M4 and M14 pouches that say double will usually only hold one airsoft mag unless you seriously force them in there. Airsoft mags are a little wider than real-steel mags in general, so it usually takes a triple pouch to hold two.

You could try something like a SAW or M60 ammo box, that may work. I have 7 M14 lows myself and I have two TAG double pouches and two TAG singles to hold 6 of them on my pistol belt. It took me about 10 minutes of squeezing, shoving and cursing to get two of them into one of the pouches, and they're not exactly feasible to quickly remove in a game when they're crammed in like that.

Jamming two mags in and leaving them for a month or so may loosen them up. I think if you cut the elastic on the pouch you'd be able to fit two in easily as well, but I'm not so keen to mangle my pouches like that.

ex December 31st, 2006 11:42

How about Blackhawk? These are M4 but they do carry M14 pouches as well. Just a thought

vondnik December 31st, 2006 17:51


Originally Posted by Blink43va (Post 401411)
y. So I was wondering what you guys thought about the BHI Commando Recon Vest.

It's a POS piece of plywood with as mutch confort as an Iron maden. No room for more than a few pouch. I had 2 and could not give them away fast anought. The back pannel is all but worthless and I even got miss matching buckles in the same carrier system where I had to get them all changed to something just so I could actually use the thing. I carried 8 mag and everytime had a backake and sore neck from the carrier. Needless to say BHI will never get any part of my business ever again.

Do yourself a favor and invest in either an Eagle, HSGI or paraclete.

Blink43va December 31st, 2006 19:08

What about the TAG MOLLE Chest Rig?

Practically the same thing $10 more and its TAG...

But im not sure... its looks really flimsy compared to the Blackhawk... but they may be a good thing?

frag7 December 31st, 2006 20:16

Vondnick, did you have plates in yours ? Because when I tried it at first it feel really inconfortable but after some wear and with plates, it's just perfect ! I carry 9 M4 mags (could put more but I like the single mag pouch), 2 pistol mags, utility pouch, medic pouch, hydra carrier and no problem.
I guess it's not confortable if all the weight is in the front.
I really like how you can wear it high on your chest so it doesn't interfere with your first line.
IMO you need plates for this !

vatek January 2nd, 2007 01:26

All the BHI stuff I've had has been very stiff initially.

That Nytaneon stuff they use is stupidly hard and stiff when it's new. I wish they'd just use standard 1000D Cordura instead. I spent at least two hours bending the hell out of my BHI suspenders to wear them in because they were so stiff when I got them.

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