Airsoft Canada

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shadow1911 August 23rd, 2006 19:45

fantasy battlefields(the best place to play regardless of laws)
if the laws didn't apply at all and you could play any where in Canada any where at all regardless of the rules where would the best place to play be this includes places that otherwise you couldn't (this also means places generally full of people but it be empty for a game or 2)

this is for fun its not real but its about airsoft

some of the places on my list for this would be
union station (toronto)

Gato August 23rd, 2006 19:51

Royal Winter Fair
Convention Center
Rogers Center i guess
Kensington Market (Nice with lots of alleys for CQB)

Airport Terminal
CN Tower

yanhchan August 23rd, 2006 19:58

Pacific Mall.......With all the stores empty so you can see through the glass and everything would make hilarious games.

Wal Mart/Canadian Tire

Toronto Zoo...came outta nowhere...

Finally my total acid trip idea....Rebuild the entire super mario worlds....and airsoft it.......

Whozat August 23rd, 2006 20:01

Stanley Park, Vancouver

Mason August 23rd, 2006 20:01


Downtown Montreal Eaton's center

Dracheous August 23rd, 2006 20:05

CN Tower would be awesome... I'd get me a sniper rifle and start doing "There's an asshole BANG... There's an asshole... BANG!" routine.

I'm surprised no one said Parliment. Come on! Who wouldn't love to rush those doors? Think about the house of commons! All the open spots and chairs and tables to hide behind.

But the best place would have to be the Casino de Hull. Specially with all them back rooms and vaults and shit. The Security systems that you could use against your oponents.

shadow1911 August 23rd, 2006 20:06


Originally Posted by Gato
Royal Winter Fair
Convention Center
Rogers Center i guess
Kensington Market (Nice with lots of alleys for CQB)

Airport Terminal
CN Tower

airport be interesting with the metal detectors it be interesting as for the cn tower never been there

and here i was going to get flamed 6 ways from Sunday for making an irresponcable post but i see every one sees its just for fun so yay drule on

Peace August 23rd, 2006 20:11

IMO, the coolest place to play would be inside the Don Valley Brick Works!

Penguin August 23rd, 2006 20:16

An orphanidge

Flint August 23rd, 2006 20:25

York University toronto, just pick any where on campus or the whole thing, I work there and the underground service tunnels are cool and there is miles of tunnels all under campus.

Freedom Fighter August 23rd, 2006 20:28


Originally Posted by Dracheous
CN Tower would be awesome... I'd get me a sniper rifle and start doing "There's an asshole BANG... There's an asshole... BANG!" routine.

I'm surprised no one said Parliment. Come on! Who wouldn't love to rush those doors? Think about the house of commons!

After these comments you may notice that there will be a white pizza delivery van parked across the street from you house for the next several months.

I'd say any bank in downtown TO. Reenact the entire HEAT scenario.

Kuraitenshi August 23rd, 2006 20:31


Originally Posted by Dracheous
I'm surprised no one said Parliment. Come on! Who wouldn't love to rush those doors? Think about the house of commons! All the open spots and chairs and tables to hide behind.

in session? Woo hoo!

Pacific Center Mall, Any Office tower, PS2 Red faction platforms game, Queen Elisabeth park, Max security prison.

Kuraitenshi August 23rd, 2006 20:37


Originally Posted by Dracheous
I'm surprised no one said Parliment. Come on! Who wouldn't love to rush those doors? Think about the house of commons! All the open spots and chairs and tables to hide behind.

in session? Woo hoo!

Pacific Center Mall, Any Office tower, PS2 Red faction platforms game, Queen Elisabeth park, Max security prison.

shadow1911 August 23rd, 2006 20:37

lol max security prison that be interesting

Goldman August 23rd, 2006 20:37

The "Defienbunker".

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