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Skyla August 13th, 2006 20:42

I need some help.

Ok, I am new to all of this, and my boyfriend says that airsoft is no place for a girl. Well I need all the help I can get. I want to want into there next game ready to hand his ass to him....So HELP..... Give all the info you want to give me... from every thing to what to wear to any skill I may want to add to the game. oh ya I have been paint balling with the guys alot, so getting hit doesn't scare me.....

Shrike August 13th, 2006 20:50

Welcome, every answer you asked for is probably in the FAQ section, check it all out, some cool info there.

Hawkzor August 13th, 2006 20:50

While the game isn't exatily overpopulated with women, plenty do play. Don't let him tell you that being a girl will slow you down.

But don't think it will get you special treatment either.

Read the FAQs, browse the forums, goto a game to check it out. Nobody here hands out step by step instructions on how to get into airsoft, you need to make those yourself. Personally I spent about a year in the forums and talking with a friend who played (you know its you Prowler ;) ) Then i went to two games, people showed me their gear, I spent another few weeks picking out what I would need to get started, bought the gear and just showed up at the next local game.

skewed August 13th, 2006 20:51

Best piece of advice(and I'm sure you'll hear it a lot): Read all the FAQ's on these forums. Then go out to a game and experience it all first-hand. If you're no stranger to milsim style games, then you should be fine.

Edit: Good lord! Three posts within one minute!

ATREYU August 13th, 2006 20:56

Tale it easy on her Greylocks

FNG August 13th, 2006 21:01

Maybe that's not what he thinks at all. Maybe he thinks you two need some time appart. Maybe he's feeling crowded and just needs a Sunday or two a month to just 'hang out with the guys'. Maybe he feels you're too needy and you should get some friends and hobbies of your own. Maybe I'm full of shit and don't know squat about your relationship.

Seriously though. Just get a gun and show up at a game without telling him. What's he going to do? Send you home.

As for advise. Just keep shooting in his general direction.

Skyla August 13th, 2006 21:17

Thanks to the reationship help but thats not what it is... He said if I had the balls to play I would be out there with him, but he wont teach me anything...oh ya and That I am a girl......LIke come on... This is why i am asking for help. The FAQ is helping.. and Thanks...

Black_Orchid August 13th, 2006 21:39

Maybe you need a new boyfriend? Go play without him. You live in Calgary? Go play with JOC if you haven't already. There are plenty of knowledgeable guys there who I'm sure would teach you if you just asked.

Greylocks August 13th, 2006 21:42

Then simply show up to games, and learn the game better than him. Then beat his ass.

No favorites; read a lot.

One thing; I've found that women learn faster because they listen to advice. They also tend to play smarter and use their brains.

If you dont read the Information provided, you will get flamed as solidly as the rest. If your boyfriend is here, how about you name him so we can educate him in social graces?

Boche August 13th, 2006 22:29


Originally Posted by Skyla
....I need all the help I can get. I want to want into there next game ready to hand his ass to him....So HELP.....

So, what happens when you get all the advice and skills available and your boyfriend still hands your ass to you?

ATREYU August 13th, 2006 22:32


Originally Posted by memel

Originally Posted by Skyla
....I need all the help I can get. I want to want into there next game ready to hand his ass to him....So HELP.....

So, what happens when you get all the advice and skills available and your boyfriend still hands your ass to you?

Sounds like a kinky proposition to me.

quick90 August 13th, 2006 22:34

Does he play indoors at Trek or just outdoors?

Skyla August 13th, 2006 23:29


He does both.. why what do you think is better?


NuttyHunter August 14th, 2006 00:02


Originally Posted by Greylocks
Then simply show up to games, and learn the game better than him. Then beat his ass.

No favorites; read a lot.

One thing; I've found that women learn faster because they listen to advice. They also tend to play smarter and use their brains.

If you dont read the Information provided, you will get flamed as solidly as the rest. If your boyfriend is here, how about you name him so we can educate him in social graces?

Greylocks! You complimented women! It's the first compliment I've read of yours. You're softening up old man.

That said. Welcome to the sport. My boyfriend got me into it. He has me use his weapons (since he has a lot and 'buying another would be silly, especially since' I love his MP5. I played some games, watched while he 'doctored' his weapons and learnt, paid a lot of attention to things and just went with the flow. Then he got me a present- a plate carrier, and now I'm buying gear for myself. The addiction of it all grows on you and eventually you also get used to how disgusting or rowdy guys just are when you give them airsoft.

(To anyone who knows it I reference 'raping the owl'.)


Droc August 14th, 2006 00:09


Originally Posted by NuttyHunter
myself. The addiction of it all grows on you and eventually you also get used to how disgusting or rowdy guys just are when you give them airsoft.

My last year il college, I lived 8 months at my fiances place with her and 5 female roomies.
Never have I seen a messier group of people. Dishes never done, food on the floor, showering togher with the door open, rotten food in the fridge.

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