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PTE. Pyle April 13th, 2006 03:45

Coleman brand propane warning
I just bought my second bottle of Coleman brand propane and it seams to be flawed. well that is for our use anyways. in both cases the gas seams to either be to low of pressure. it will barely cycle my slide and emits a huge cloud of gas when fired. I took my blowback chamber apart, cleaned and lubed everything and still had the problem. I then tried a second bottle and had the same problem. works good with duster gas and a bottle of no name gas I got at superstore. not sure if anyone else has had any problems but just thought id give guys a heads up.

-Rubix- April 13th, 2006 03:54

Thanks for the heads up- it would be interesting to know why. Anybody have any knowledge or thoughts on this? (particularly the large cloud of gas...) Inductive effect of the aromatic used to scent coleman propane, perhaps?

PTE. Pyle April 13th, 2006 03:59

im thinking somthing along those lines, possibly some kind of additive. ill try to post a video tomorrow after work. i dont think you will see it at night on my digital camera

thephenom April 13th, 2006 04:09

I've used Coleman for my KSC G18C and my KJW M700, doesn't seem to have that problem. (But I've had the propane since last fall)

PTE. Pyle April 13th, 2006 04:13

i used coleman brand befor to sorry i should have said that. with no problems then out of the blue, maby its just a bad bach. also i just noticed there is a nice white/grey film left on the inside of my slide. it looks cool when it fires but dose nothing practial.

thephenom April 13th, 2006 04:15

Interesting, I was about to go buy another can, perhaps later on this week. I'll try to see if the new ones have similar results.

-Rubix- April 13th, 2006 04:23

Yea- I was wondering if, in the case of companies scenting their own propane, coleman recently changed their aromatic (or perhaps sulfide) group. An inductive effect would make the gas more dense, possibly limiting flow, and causing that large cloud. I'm not too knowledgable about conventional propane though, hopefully someone reading this will have a better idea as to what's going on.

Bender April 13th, 2006 06:19

I have noticed this problem as well. With Coleman I was hard pressed to empty an entire clip of my hicapa with one charging of gas, but with another brand it works fine.

Shrike April 13th, 2006 08:31

Not sure what tempurature you are firing in but if it's cool out my GBB's will not work very well. They shoot 1-5 shots then vent all the gas. Just too cold.

PTE. Pyle April 13th, 2006 21:51

well for me i was shooting them at room temp. and even warmed the mag up to body temp. its the propane not the gun. fyi that crapy coleman propane looks awsome when shooting an m203 shell huge cloud of gas, looks awsome.

gallantcorey April 13th, 2006 21:54

I have always used Colman propane in my GBB's and 203 and I have never had any problems.

Carvs April 13th, 2006 22:09

I have gone through at least 3 cans on my KJW M9 FMU, no problems

mirage13 April 13th, 2006 22:18

Why not just use BernzoMatic? :-D

GunMaster April 13th, 2006 22:38

I use Ozark Trail propane from Walmart. It supposedly doesn't smell as bad as the Coleman brand. The propane does still smell though.

Captain Tenneal April 13th, 2006 23:07


Originally Posted by GunMaster
I use Ozark Trail propane from Walmart. It supposedly doesn't smell as bad as the Coleman brand. The propane does still smell though.

It's just a different scent. A little less rotting death, a little more horrifying stench...

But I reccomend Ozark trail if Coleman's going south. They're decent and their adaptors seem to work (I've owned about five bottles now and they all work)

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