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Iceking007 January 25th, 2018 20:57

Is everyone using AEGs Still?

I thought GBBs would be far more popular and takeoff... maybe everyone just owns an M4 so I'm not seeing that side. Perhaps it's the old paintball division... those that play woodsball have replica-esk markers and those that play tourney ball use hopped up super shooters spraying paint by the bucket full.

I was assuming the milsim guys would have the blow backs with realistic round counts in their mags, and indoor guys are using AEGs... seems like more and more I dig the AEGs are the way to go.

So what is your primary go to weapon (assuming outdoor milsim if you have different kits)?

RainyEyes January 25th, 2018 21:25

This is Canada, sir. We have two seasons; winter and construction. Gas does not like to work in the cold and warming them up after a long drive is a bitch.

infernau January 25th, 2018 21:44

Cost factor also a huge difference, high end aeg mag $20, basic gbbr mag 60, pmags are near 80. User friendly wise aegs reign supreme, fun factor gbbr are awesome. Gbbr mags are 1lb each, 10 aeg mags maybe 2 lbs. Also gas velocity consistence vs aeg with proper compression. I love gbbrs but in the end you're left with half a dozen semi empty propane tanks after a big game (since you're lucky to get 45% out of a tank before you mags are only half full of gas. And then there is hpa, I got out of paintball because of the stupid air tanks, I'm not taking step backwards.

devbro January 25th, 2018 21:45

definitely AEG. less clean up and easier to fix, and no hose to worry about. the worst that I can fix on the go is change battery and I can continue to play

kochetkov January 25th, 2018 22:29

im all about gbb even if it gets cold i have solutions like nuprol gas and or hpa tap my mags I like everything about them its easy to fix its realistic the sound the recoil drags me down this road and i own only one aeg but never play with it it more a collector piece

ThunderCactus January 25th, 2018 22:57

The only gun quieter than my AEGs is the marui MK23 NBB.
Trigger response so fast, people think its HPA. Reliable, mags dont leak, works in winter, etc.
Dont get any advantages with GBB. Cooler with the recoil, but leaky mags are dumb.

Kozzie January 25th, 2018 23:00

Should include HPA in your poll, it wouldn't surprise me if there were more HPA than GBB users. AEG is definitely still the most common. GBB just isn't reliable enough and most don't want to carry a tank and hose. I would rather use a Tipman than a GBB.

Full-Auto-Seer January 25th, 2018 23:27

I mean, I'm voting for the GBB, but I will admit that the AEG is a much more convenient choice. Sometimes I feel lazy and I just can't be assed to gas up my AK. Temperature problems are also a thing, but they can be lessened by CO2, MAPP gas, or the Nuprol Red or Black gasses. You've also got to clean your GBB like a real gun.

However, nothing beats the rush you get as your AK chatters away while you're defending against a push on your bunker.

Really, it depends on whether or not you're willing to put up with the shortcomings of a GBB. I'd say that it's easier to get enjoyment from an AEG, but if you get a GBB running reliably, you'll get more enjoyment.

Canadian Psycho January 26th, 2018 01:05

PTW, combine the best of both worlds. Reliability and the ability to use anytime of year with more realism than the typical AEGs in size/shape and the use of the bolt release.

Swattiger January 26th, 2018 09:12


Originally Posted by infernau (Post 2016759)
And then there is hpa, I got out of paintball because of the stupid air tanks, I'm not taking step backwards.

100% agreed about the air tank. The whole idea of airsoft games (except IPSC) is the realism it offers. That's why the whole old air tank airsoft guns market collapsed when TM launched their AEGs.

Admittedly HPA system is much better than the old one, but it still needs to link a gun to the air tank, which I think is really not my cup of tea.

It would be interesting to see how far the HPA could go.

chaz January 26th, 2018 09:23


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 2016766)
The only gun quieter than my AEGs is the marui MK23 NBB.
Trigger response so fast, people think its HPA. Reliable, mags dont leak, works in winter, etc.
Dont get any advantages with GBB. Cooler with the recoil, but leaky mags are dumb.

2 Nightfalls ago the guy running the chrono told me to go to the other line because he wasn't chrono'ing P*'s. I was like "Nope, AEG my friend." He was shocked because of how quiet and fast it was lol.

Gas is also a pain. I have team mates that run gas and they go down too often for my taste.

FULLMETAL January 26th, 2018 09:34

Been thru everything... And nothing NOTHING better than the PTW (personal opinion) experience. Gas guns require much more maintenance, gas leaks are a effing pain in the ass. Now looking to get even a AEG pistol because I dont want to deal with gas at all ever again. HPA was also fun but yea, u have to carry with the tank/ tanks.

Danke January 26th, 2018 10:32

I like gas guns. I like the clank and the noise. I'm not worried about hiding under a log and being completely quiet. I hate wires and batteries and all that jazz. If something leaks it'll be a mag and I have lots of those.

The only time I look at an AEG now is that if it's something like a LMG or obscure rifle. Stuff you can't find in gas.

Kozzie January 26th, 2018 10:39


Originally Posted by FULLMETAL (Post 2016788)
Now looking to get even a AEG pistol because I dont want to deal with gas at all ever again.

There are some good C02 pistols around these days. You get the delicious blowback and ditch most of the gas headaches.

ThunderCactus January 26th, 2018 13:10


Originally Posted by Canadian Psycho (Post 2016775)
PTW, combine the best of both worlds. Reliability and the ability to use anytime of year with more realism than the typical AEGs in size/shape and the use of the bolt release.

AND theyve got a hilariously expensive recoil system now! LOL

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