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Drakker January 10th, 2017 21:28

Airsoft Canada Nominated for Best Airsoft Forum on the 7th Airsoft Players’ Choice Awards from Popular Airsoft
Airsoft Canada has been nominated as one of the best airsoft forums on the Popular Airsoft 7th Airsoft Players’ Choice Awards. This is quite big, Canada isn't a big player in the Airsoft world, so this shows that this forum keeps going and going, even though Airsoft forums all over the world are on a decline.

You can vote there:

Also of note, Airsoft Innovations has again been nominated for best grenades, and the House Gamers (Dayton) have been nominated for best channels, they are based in BC, so more Canadian content, yay. Robo murray has also been nominated, so that makes two Canadians on the list. I don't know if these guys ever stopped by on this forum, but we might as well support them.

pestobanana January 10th, 2017 21:54

I will vote for ASC if it stops being slow and miserable

JK I already voted for ASC

Red Dot January 10th, 2017 22:30

Robo Murray has been on in the past, congrats to this community!

Cliffradical January 11th, 2017 13:19

Wow, some of my shitposts might be Internet Famous!

BenG January 11th, 2017 13:37

how did the ares sniper rifle make that list, its SHIT. Regardless congradulations to this community and to all the people who put in the hard work to keep it running, and to all of the people who still contribute, and have contributed in the past.

daishi January 11th, 2017 14:27

I lol'd when I saw the Tippmann m4 for GBBR's........ or really the rest of those gbbrs, or really..... this whole survey was dumb. I only voted for two sections, go me.

lurkingknight January 11th, 2017 17:34

robot made it but not gun of robot.

RainyEyes January 11th, 2017 18:33


Originally Posted by daishi (Post 1996834)
I lol'd when I saw the Tippmann m4 for GBBR's........ or really the rest of those gbbrs

Yeah the survey is kind of a joke. Such limited options... Seems kind of bias if you think about it. Didn't really impress me...

pestobanana January 11th, 2017 18:45

The survey nominations were done by the general public. Let's face it, the general populace of airsofters is not really well educated on the quality of the things they buy.

I mean, SHS made the list of best upgrade parts manufacturer alongside MadBull... MadBull internals are actually worse than SHS LOL.

Anyway, lets not talk shit about this survey until we get best airsoft forum.

Ricochet January 12th, 2017 09:58

I voted.

BioRage January 12th, 2017 10:07

... can we upgrade our software doe?

Drakker January 12th, 2017 10:17

The Tippman M4 is there because there is a big flux of paintball players moving to Airsoft, and they like to stick with a familiar brand.

The Ares sniper rifle is actually a pretty good rifle, so long as you use it at low power. It's great for players in countries with strict FPS limits. But it can't compete with the likes of the VSR in countries like Canada where sniper rifle are typically used in the 450-500fps range.

chaz January 12th, 2017 15:19

Voted.. :)

Dustin_d January 12th, 2017 18:05

how the fuck did EF 1911 make it onto best pistol ...

Datawraith January 12th, 2017 18:31


Originally Posted by Dustin_d (Post 1996905)
how the fuck did EF 1911 make it onto best pistol ...

Jet Desertfox I'd expect. He was advertising the heck out of that earlier last year...

I saw quite a few mentions of ASG; the ONLY gun ASG manufactures is the EVO...

I blame the Yanks and am pretty disappointed in the nominations...

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