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italianboy23 November 21st, 2005 18:08

Whats a good type of silicon to use as lube and for when using propane?
i currently have pure silicon shock oil and the kinwald weight is 30, is that too heavy/thick for lubing my GBB and for mixing with when using propane!

help is very much appreciated


rileysault November 21st, 2005 18:33

You should use the lightest weight possible for mixing with propane, i use 1.5 weight. As far as lubing the rest of the GBB you really only need to lube were there is contact between slide/frame. I hear that superlube is good for that.

CDN_Stalker November 21st, 2005 18:34

Might want to buy some 10 weight silly oil, that is more viscous and a better general weight. Buy a container of the 5 weight (might be lighter) from MadMax for $10 shipped for use with propane. And a tube of white lithium grease ($5 at Canadian Tire) helps in some areas as well.

italianboy23 November 21st, 2005 21:26

thanx guys!!! really appreciate it!

CalvinTat November 21st, 2005 23:10

Kinda a thread jack but its related, what kinda silicone lube is used for maintenance of your AEG and Mags?

mcguyver November 21st, 2005 23:27

i manufacture my own silicone grease for cylinders. basically, you get a tube of dow corning #111 silicone grease. it costs about 30 bucks and you can get it at industrial supply houses like northern metallic or aklands. there is enough in this tube to do probably 500 aegs. then you get some 10 weight silicone oil. put some #111 in a container (not much, maybe twice the amount of toothpaste you'd put on a toothbrush sort of thing) then thin it down with the silicone oil until it's the consistancy of syrup (takes a bit of oil). this makes enough to do about 6 or seven aegs. use it in the cylinder, piston guides, tappet guide and on the spring guide. i just picked up a new silicone gear grease from gc electronics. they call it type z5 grease and the package says it's good for dielectric duties as well as gear grease and general lubrication. i've only tried it in 2 aegs so far but looks promising. for gear grease you can pick up garage door opener grease from crappy tire. works great, has wide temp range (-40 to +250 or something) and stays well adhered to gears and bushings. just don't over-use it as too much in a gearbox and it will find it's way into the cylinder and cause gumming up of the piston head o-ring. put it only on the bushings and the flat gear to box joints like on the bevel and spur gear. sounds goofy, but it works well and keeps the gears quiet and happy.

CDN_Stalker November 22nd, 2005 08:49

I recall the white lithium grease I bought from CT, I found it in the garage door opener section. It works good, and makes a useful tool as well. How? Know the little round plate that goes between the motor plate and the motor itself on V2 mechboxes? Use the grease as a "glue" to hold it in the motor plate when you install it. Holds the plate in place instead of falling out and running across the floor.

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