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Cico October 13th, 2016 11:07

Electronic Flags
I know we have some really good electronic people on here.

Looking for someone to Build something like this. I don't need it to have a huge massive light just a simple 3 led lights on the top with Green, Yellow, Red.
I prefer something with push Button as opposed to RFID

BenG October 13th, 2016 15:50

Weve had something similar in alberta for almost 15 years now, they were built by kimbo for the Battlefield series. its just a return to center rocker switch and a logic circit that blinks red or green depending on the way the button is pressed, button must be held for at least 1 minute for it to change colour.

working on building my own set of poles that are less power thirsty as the current set of poles we are using for battlefield eat a 9v battery every 2 hours.

Cico October 13th, 2016 15:58

That is exactly what I want. Something that a 2-3 9v can power for 24-48 hours.

Also looking at a chess clock kind of idea that will track total time per colour after they are pushed.

BenG October 13th, 2016 17:50

the current rendition of the poles we use do track amount of time they are controlled

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