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pestobanana September 10th, 2016 12:02

3D Printed AEG Magazine Followers
So, for years now I've been annoyed at how terrible stock AEG followers are. They're made to be single stack sized in order to feed the last BB out of a mag, but most AEG magazines are double stacked. At first I made my own followers using plastic and a file, then I moved to commercially made followers but I was not entirely satisfied with them. I decided to get together a friend and make them instead.

Undersized stock followers in best case scenarios will only cause excessive friction. Worst case the BB will jam beside the follower and end up underneath it, then the only remedy is to completely disassemble the mag. I had this problem with every PTS PMag I owned, as well as first generation EPMs. Undersized followers will also deform the last BB in the mag.

Stock PTS EPM follower:

Same mag, follower replaced:

These followers are made to be a drop in fit for most AEG mags. The most you will have to do is cut off the circle loop at the top of your spring if your mag is of that design such as KA.

Installation demo:

Drop in compatibility confirmed with:
DyTac Hexmags
Socom Gear Troy/Lancer mags

General compatibility confirmed with:
DyTac Invader mags
King Arms STANAG mags
Classic Army SA58 Midcaps

Comparison video using PTS EPM inserts:

Comparison video using Socom Gear inserts (courtesy of chaz):
Follower installed:

Hexmag with follower installed, 0.66g BBs (courtesy of Fobby):

Red Dot September 10th, 2016 12:14

Are these for sale yet?

Ricochet September 10th, 2016 12:18

Are your going to make Systema mag followers?

pestobanana September 10th, 2016 12:21


Originally Posted by Red Dot (Post 1988758)
Are these for sale yet?

We haven't gotten packaging together yet, but if you don't care about packaging send me a PM.

pestobanana September 10th, 2016 12:22


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1988759)
Are your going to make Systema mag followers?

I'm open to the idea, but no plans as of right now. I sold my PTW a while ago and I never opened the mags to see what the design was like.

Ricochet September 10th, 2016 12:44


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 1988762)
I'm open to the idea, but no plans as of right now. I sold my PTW a while ago and I never opened the mags to see what the design was like.

They pop right out without magazine disassembly. Maybe I should send you one to look at.

pestobanana September 10th, 2016 13:35


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1988766)
They pop right out without magazine disassembly. Maybe I should send you one to look at.

My concern is that larger followers in some mags do not feed the last few BB's as they do not fit at the top where the BBs are made to zipper. A design could be made to work with PTWs, but I wouldn't know until I open a mag how it would interfere with the stop on empty.

Red Dot September 11th, 2016 01:06

Add 10 to my RS type 56 job Z :)

pestobanana November 21st, 2016 19:48

Now available at Black Blitz Airsoft


chaz November 21st, 2016 20:12

Love these, which reminds me I need to order more from you. Keep forgetting :(

ThunderCactus November 21st, 2016 21:05

Should work fine with PTWs, they just won't feed probably the last 2-3 BBs. But really, who the hell cares, it has a bolt stop for crying out loud.

pestobanana March 27th, 2017 09:44


cetane March 27th, 2017 17:32

Pretty colors....!

Fenrir92 March 27th, 2017 18:14

Will different colour options be available in the future?

I like the idea of having coloured followers so I can easily identify if a mag is empty similar to the hex mags. Another potential use is colour coding different BB weights.

pestobanana April 6th, 2017 10:07


Originally Posted by Fenrir92 (Post 2001706)
Will different colour options be available in the future?

I like the idea of having coloured followers so I can easily identify if a mag is empty similar to the hex mags. Another potential use is colour coding different BB weights.

Our next batch is inbound and will be available in red and orange.

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