Airsoft Canada

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ZFPainuser July 31st, 2016 15:47

Where to Airsoft, ON
Hey guys, I live in Kitchener ON and found a placed called Grimm Tactical and Deep Cover Airsoft both airsoft only fields but as some friends and I went to check it out there was nothing and I mean nothing at the posted address literally a light post in the middle of no where Cambridge. The only place to play that we know of is Flag raiders. Flag raiders needs you to set it up yourself, have 15+ people and wear a paintball mask not to mention the paint ridden field.

So basically, are there any fellow ktown members on this site that would/do play airsoft somewhere and have some new members? We are age 21+

-Thanks, Rob.

Datawraith July 31st, 2016 16:49

There's a Flag Raiders Airsoft facebook group where there are game postings; outdoor games run every other Sunday and indoor games run every other Monday I believe. The outdoor and indoor games are usually hosted and run; you don't need to set it up yourself. Finch Field in Rockwood and Ultimate Paintball in Milton are some other nearby alternatives. If you don't mind going a little further, Siege Airsoft in Scarborough is always a good place to hit up, and there's Clarington Woods farther east.

ZFPainuser July 31st, 2016 17:52

Wow, thanks for the fast reply! and great insight on some new places! We will definitely check some of these out next weekend. There's also an Ultimate Airsoft in Toronto close to the Scarborough site.

Hectic August 1st, 2016 10:32

Welcome, lots of places around keep an eye on the events here (you may need AV to view them?)
Search finch field airsoft on facebook. We have a game on the 6th and the 13th comming up.
As mentioned flag raiders paintball has games somewhat regularly if paint doesn't bug you that much.
At this point there are very few places that have regular walk on games as there are not enough players and too many fields popping up. And most of the best outdoor airsoft is going to be found on some back road with nothing but a driveway to a parking "field" it's more about what the land offers as far as elevation changes and diversity of the environment.

bug519 August 1st, 2016 16:38

Flagswipe near London ON has games every Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.

ZFPainuser August 1st, 2016 21:50

Does Flagswipe require paintball masks?

bug519 August 2nd, 2016 09:10

Only if you're under 16 or 18, can't remember which. Otherwise, full seal goggles are fine.

ZFPainuser August 10th, 2016 01:24

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, didn't notice how many fields there were. My group played at flagraiders last Sat for a night game and it was great! Also on the Sunday we went to Quartermasters Niagara, great airsoft only field! Map was amazing just bring some OFF! xD

RickGrimesWho August 10th, 2016 13:42


Originally Posted by ZFPainuser (Post 1986624)
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, didn't notice how many fields there were. My group played at flagraiders last Sat for a night game and it was great! Also on the Sunday we went to Quartermasters Niagara, great airsoft only field! Map was amazing just bring some OFF! xD

Ill be heading there next sunday for my first game, I hope you had a good time! Ill definitely be bringing the heavy duty deep woods OFF

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