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Soft-air pulled from Canadian Tire store
Oh man, If they would licence airsoft I would be a happy man.
What they are saying is, a few of their citizens are too stupid and unresponsible - so Canadian Tire will take away these toys from everyone. I don't like softair guns, but I do have a serious problem when the actions of the few punish the many. Things will never change.
I agree, that type of mentality is flawed. I mean, the guy who went to Vietnam and was "scared" when his son pulled a watergun on him? WTF. A licence to use a replica firearm? In my opinion, there should be a fucking licence to be able to drink liquor! (I don't mean your age of majority card of choice)...a friggin permit! Where does it all end? I sympathize with the police force having to discern a real from a fake. And in probably ALL cases they would treat it as real and loaded, which can only end in disaster.
Making all us responsible users take training and acquire a permit to use these guns responsibly won't solve the problem, because the people "causing the problems" are vandals, hoodlums and general dirt bags who either stole their soft-air/airsoft or found some other means to acquire them. Keep your guns in cases kiddies! Be responsible. Don't look for trouble. |
how is this line of thinking any different than that which brought about our current firearms act? this is a very old issue going back to confederation. sir john a macdonald said in a speech back in the 1870's "gun control is pure folly. the result will be to disarm the honest citizen and arm the rowdys". so what's changed? this is just another extension of public over-reaction which leads to more laws and regulations to take away a little more. but ontario is a liberal hotbed and who do you think spearheads the laws?
"Alex Lawrence of Scugog said any gun that can cause bodily harm should be registered."
So soft-air can cause bodily harm now? :lol: Must not be the clear junk they have at my CT. I wouldn't even say that real airsoft can cause bodily harm, unless your unlucky (or stupid) enough to get it in the eye. Regular BB and pellet and pball guns can cause alot more damage than airsoft, so are we going to register all of them too? The current 1 Billion spent on gun registry will seem like peanuts if they try to get every airgun registered. :banghead: |
The point is, you cant liscence absoloutley everything that society uses or effects them to use poor conduct. Thats kind of a creepy mentality. |
Registering airsoft
If they admit that airsoft can cause bodily harm they can't classify them as replicas.
"This fact sheet is of interest to you if you have any device that: * Looks exactly (or almost exactly) like a firearm, but is not a firearm; and, * Cannot discharge projectiles at all, or discharge only harmless projectiles. Devices that discharge projectiles that can cause serious bodily injury, such as the penetration of an eye, are not replicas." |
Up here, I've seen tons of local shitrats running around firing indescriminantly, richocheting off cars. I'd love to see them pull it out of every store.
Penguin, that was partially my point, where does it all end? The other part was that there are simply more deadly mediums of destruction out there than a few replica firearms. Airsofters in general are a responsible bunch. It's the non-airsofters and the dim wits that cause all these headaches.
I have to admit though, I've gone to many games and have not yet had any issues with law enforcement because my gun stays hidden in a case, in my car until I get to the field. Period. Then again, if you can't figure that out on your own, then maybe you shouldn't be involved with airsoft! |
Hey, someone hurt my feelings once ... and you know something? They didn't show me any permit that gave them the right to do that. I'm calling City Hall ... we need to get that taken care of ASAP.
That being said why not move Airsoft under the Fire Arms Certificate act. that would be a cheap way to weed out the rotten eggs. sure people will have to take the what 2 weekend course which is a joke in itself. When i was in Aircadets i got my FAC when i was 14. sure i had to hold onto the papers till i was 18. Its really a joke and that the Canadian Gov' isnt really inforcing the FAC. but still. Would solve alot of problems in my opinion. another thing is. why would abunch of youngsters (they were like 16) be doing with SOFTAIR guns. thot all stores are suppose to sell them to 18+ yr olds. should start cracking down on the burnout highschool drop outs who dont id kids. my 13 year old brother bought a softair gun from canadian tire no problem. |
Stupid kids around these parts have brought these "soft-air" guns to school!
The idiots think they won't get in trouble if they do it on the last day of school...hell, they shoot them at cars and other kids. These are the people that shouldn't be allowed to own a softair gun or any kind of gun if they are going to be irrisponsible (sp?) with them. And as said above, Canadian Tire sells these guns to anyone. Most kids these days are 6 feet tall and have beards (jk) but CT seems to just want your money and doesn't care if someone is 13 or 18. These rules should be enforced...and when they are, irresponsible parents buy their kids these guns, thinking that their kids are very responsible and would never do anything bad or illegal. BS. Luckily the dimwit that brought that soft-air gun to my highschool had one of the clear ones. Unluckily he wants to buy one of those black 1/1 scale crosman guns from the US... How do we stop these people from getting ahold of these things? A total ban on the guns in question, or 21 age minimum? 8-O |
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