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Malinak December 17th, 2015 22:20

Just curious about the Old-Timers?
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of the guys that were around era pre-2008 are still around? Like Tru and Illusion, the London and Toronto guys that used to play outdoor games at Flag Raiders are still around and playing?
Would like to come back to the game and get back in better shape, but don't want to be the only old fart there.

Stryker December 17th, 2015 22:31

TRU has been Missing in Action. There was a rumor that he now own an island somewhere and he is treated like Royalty.

Illusion is around, would come out once in a blue moon, literally.

In other words, yes we are still around. Broken, grumpy, and still kicking ass. You should come out and help us push all the wheelchairs!

666 December 17th, 2015 22:47

Most people that played on regular basis when I stated moved on or moved out of the area. I saw Wildcard about a year ago at local CQB night, I also see one/two guys who started Vietnam theme years ago but I see them at living history events, don't know if they come out to airsoft games.

Brian McIlmoyle December 17th, 2015 22:57

Wives, Businesses ... real guns, real games .. many have to pick and choose their time and place to participate, time is at a premium.. but many are still around

charlie_hozz December 18th, 2015 00:15

Kids, friggn kids. And the wife. Should have been a hermit

Janus December 18th, 2015 00:22


Splinter December 18th, 2015 01:26

Real steel has won me over mostly. Did a lot of airsoft in my younger days then joined the CF for a few years. Now I have kids and I'm out of the CF I find myself looking to get back into airsoft

DuffMan December 18th, 2015 01:39

out of the country for several years. Back now

Malinak December 18th, 2015 07:44

Hey Splinter, you are from the area... did we ever meet?

marac December 18th, 2015 08:46

Old flag raiders, you say? Kitchener, you say? We probably met at a few games. I've been lying low in airsoft for several years due to being busy at work but am now getting more active again.

MADDOG December 18th, 2015 09:15

Who dare awaken me from my slumber

Malinak December 18th, 2015 09:19

Well, if you played with a guy whose wife also played along side him, that was me. Hell, she was just as deadly as most of the guys were, I have to give her credit for that.
Well, we are split and I have alot of nothing to do, so I think I am going to be playing this year as much as I can and try and get myself in a bit better shape.

Anyone that is going to Mondays indoor Flagraiders game, can you bring a charger? I cannot find mine.

PS. Nice one Maddog.

BloodSport December 18th, 2015 10:38


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 1966662)
TRU has been Missing in Action. There was a rumor that he now own an island somewhere and he is treated like Royalty.

LIES! We still have him chained up, on a steady diet of week old slight moldy bread, and moisture from an old leaky led pipe in the sub basement of ASCmart. You would know this if he invited you to his ultra secret limited person FB account!! We are still trying to figure out where he is hiding the device he periodically logs into with, but the last person who attempted the body cavity search (Illusion) is so rarely seen in public anymore from the mental scaring we did not want to lose any more old guard airsoft players.

Stryker December 18th, 2015 11:00

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1966698)
LIES! We still have him chained up, on a steady diet of week old slight moldy bread, and moisture from an old leaky led pipe in the sub basement of ASCmart. You would know this if he invited you to his ultra secret limited person FB account!! We are still trying to figure out where he is hiding the device he periodically logs into with, but the last person who attempted the body cavity search (Illusion) is so rarely seen in public anymore from the mental scaring we did not want to lose any more old guard airsoft players.

Attachment 50026

Jimski December 18th, 2015 11:31

first time I come here in years and I see this thread...
I'm into motorcycles now.
I kept the gear though, just in case.
I don't feel like shooting bbs anymore...It feels stupid... :( what happened ?

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