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Ecks May 31st, 2015 14:51

General after action gun maintenance
So, I was out playing today (May 31/15). In the GTHA it's a bit on the wet side today. Needless to say my gun is a bit dirty and wet. I'm new to the hobby/sport guys so please excuse my naivety; but what should I be doing in the way of post play maintenance? Obviously, wipe down the outside and remove the battery; but what else?


lurkingknight May 31st, 2015 15:08

what gun is it?

drying the inside is the immediate thing... if it's an m4 take the upper off the lower and dry everything you can get to.. if you're comfortable taking it apart more you can do so... but really it's not catastrophic. Swab out the barrel with the cleaning rod and some tissue and call it done. Clean the exterior as you see fit.

pestobanana May 31st, 2015 16:03

Gas guns can just get a wipe down

Electric guns MUST have their batteries removed and dried ASAP, gce the externals a quick wipe down and same for the gearbox shell, unless you want a galvanized (zinc oxide) look to your zinc mechbox.

Battery removal is especially important if you have a computerized MOSFET, such as a PTW board, BTC, etc. since water will continue to seep in to your gun after you're done. If your battery is plugged in when the components get wet, you're fucked.

RainyEyes May 31st, 2015 17:44

It's also noteworthy to mention that if you're running lipo batteries, you should dry it off asap and put it in a fireproof container in the event that it becomes unstable due to moisture.

Ecks May 31st, 2015 17:49

Thanks for all the help so far. The gun is a G&G GC 16 MOD 0. I'm not running LiPo. I've pulled her apart and wiped away any and all moisture that I saw.
Once again thanks

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