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jomor May 24th, 2015 23:28

Psop for val
I have an LCT and I can't seem to find an inexpensive PSOP or similar scope to fit on it. The body is just a little to tall, or the scope mount is to low one or the other. Does anyone know of a brand that will work? Thanks in advance!

Disco_Dante May 25th, 2015 08:46

You'll need an adaptor. WGC sells them for $15.

Off_kilter May 25th, 2015 10:37

A real am mount type one will work

jomor May 25th, 2015 11:54

I have the LCT adaptor with rails, but that's no what I'm after. This gun looks much better with a PSOP style scope. So I guess your suggesting real steel psop?

Hectic May 25th, 2015 12:45

So this is the bracket/etender you have alrdy?

jomor May 25th, 2015 17:19

No it isn't! Thank you so Much you just made my life a lot easier!!!

jomor May 25th, 2015 17:32

Okay now where do I find that extender?

Hectic May 25th, 2015 22:21

Try contacting lct directly. If not you can ask (Jugglez) i know he was bringing in LCT stuff before so he may be able to source one for you, however i would guesd it being such a small thing it would be dependant on him alrdy ordering stuff from there so patience may be needed. Tho im sure contactng LCT saying "hey i have your awesome gun now i need your awesome part to make it super duper awesome" they will give you a price. Heck KJW just last week sent me 5 seals for co2 mags, all i said wad i have your gun i need this part please let me know the price.

Hectic May 25th, 2015 22:27

Wait i find, you buy now!!! Lol
it seems WGC had it in stock. Its the correct lct part number.

jomor May 26th, 2015 12:44

Thank you sir! I placed an order at WGC for it and a few other things.

Disco_Dante May 27th, 2015 11:48

I got mine from WGC yesterday. Works perfectly, I'm very pleased.

jomor May 28th, 2015 17:12

I can't wait to have this all set up! I'm selling my Val, but I will be buying the Vintorez as well as a MK12 SPR. PSOP on the Vintorez will look awesome!!

jomor June 9th, 2015 13:40

I have tried two different POSP type sites and neither fit the adaptor? I can one set of screw on, on one side, then none of the others holes line up! I'm getting really frustrated!!
Do LCT make scopes?

jomor June 9th, 2015 13:56

Looks to me like it's made for Real Steel PSO1 not airsoft ones?

Hectic June 9th, 2015 14:08

That im not sure of. However in my limited experience the lct's bodies are so close to real steel its as if they come out of the same factory lol at least my AKM was near identical to and ak47 body.
I would suggest get it on as best you can, then mark and tap nes holes for the bolts that dont line up (hopefully there is enogh space for that) if there isnt enough space (ie you can see half the holes on the bracket through the holes on the scope mount) then you will have to fill the holes first, then drill and tap new holes. The last option would be new holes in the scope mount itself.
this is all provided that it sits well on the gun aside from the holes not lining up.

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