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dannyReichenbach October 14th, 2005 17:55

winter gbb
can i use gbb in the winter if im usin propane? --> cause propane is freezing...(btw i live in canada so we have cold ass winters)

Grim Fandango October 14th, 2005 17:57

GBBs don't work very well, if at all during the winter. And I don't think you need to add the "I'm in canada and we have cold winters", for obvious reasons.

dannyReichenbach October 14th, 2005 18:00

can i use them in the winter games tho?

The Saint October 14th, 2005 18:00

He's also only 16.

GBBs can work worse than springers in winter.

Mikeman_4_ever October 14th, 2005 18:20


Originally Posted by Grim Fandango
GBBs don't work very well, if at all during the winter. And I don't think you need to add the "I'm in canada and we have cold winters", for obvious reasons.


Originally Posted by dannyReichenbach
can i use them in the winter games tho?

:tup: way to go Danny boy...

BiffTheAncient October 14th, 2005 18:24

you most certainly CAN use a GBB durring our "cold ass winters" but you might end up having to pistol whip each other because the colder it gets the weaker the shots will be until the GBB may not even cycle.

ancorp October 14th, 2005 18:40

There is a special Gas Blow Back gun that you could use, its called an AEP ;) This is where an AEP really should shine compared to GBBs.


Kokanee October 14th, 2005 18:52


Originally Posted by ancorp
There is a special Gas Blow Back gun that you could use, its called an AEP ;) This is where an AEP really should shine compared to GBBs.


Not to be an ass, but an AEP is NOT a GBB. You are talking about two totally different types of airsoft handgun. Please get your facts straight before you spout off.

demco11 October 14th, 2005 18:53


Originally Posted by ancorp
There is a special Gas Blow Back gun that you could use, its called an AEP ;) This is where an AEP really should shine compared to GBBs.


I was going to suggest AEP's when I saw the name of this thread. but yes, AEP's are amazingly good even when its warm and sunny and your going up against GBB pistols. but in the winter gbb's suck from what I have heard (I dident have a GBB this winter so I cant speak from experience)

The Saint October 14th, 2005 19:10


Originally Posted by Kokanee
Not to be an ass, but an AEP is NOT a GBB. You are talking about two totally different types of airsoft handgun. Please get your facts straight before you spout off.

I'm pretty sure ancorp is being tongue-in-cheek, hence AEP being a "special" GBB...

Bob the Angry Potato October 14th, 2005 19:16


Originally Posted by Kokanee

Originally Posted by ancorp
There is a special Gas Blow Back gun that you could use, its called an AEP ;) This is where an AEP really should shine compared to GBBs.


Not to be an ass, but an AEP is NOT a GBB. You are talking about two totally different types of airsoft handgun. Please get your facts straight before you spout off.

Yeah, sarcasm doesn't go very well over the internet. I'm sure of his intentions, though.

Rumpel Felt October 14th, 2005 19:17

AEP's are LAME.

Off the subject a bit but has anyone tried the winter propane with anti-freeze in it?

The Saint October 14th, 2005 19:27


Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
AEP's are LAME.

Yeah, you get mucho credibility by declaring that off the bat.


Off the subject a bit but has anyone tried the winter propane with anti-freeze in it?
That won't solve the problem at all; the problem with GBB is that as temperature drops, the gas inside the magazine contracts towards a liquid state, causing the pressure it normally'd exert to drop dramatically.

Syn October 14th, 2005 19:39

Someone needs to invent an battery operated hot glove, or even better an insulated GBB mag.
bahh maybe i'm dreaming.

my pistol has some space around the Co2 caplet though and I am tempted to spray some Home Depot foam insulation to fill in the gaps.

Is the Major problem that the gas is condensing in the mag, and minor problem that the gas is condensing too quickly upon exiting the mag? Which is the major/minor problem?

Boche October 14th, 2005 19:58

To answer the original question. I used my gbb last winter with success, although the games I was at it didn't reach more than -2. I made sure to warm up my mag in my armpit after fillling, and didn't fire off 20 shots in a row. It obviously won't perform like in the middle of summer, but it was adequate for a back-up in a pinch.

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