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Tenggren February 9th, 2014 13:04

Swedish Army
Me and my team trying to do a 100% impression of the swedish army.
AT4 is on the way :D


Porkchop February 9th, 2014 15:26

I like it. Love the AK 5.
What kind of helmet are you using?

I take it Södermanland is the name of your airsoft field or is it the region Sudermania?

j_march February 9th, 2014 15:48

This is awesome. I dont know all about swedish gear and such, but this is cool.

Tenggren February 9th, 2014 16:46

The helmet is called "hjälm90"

Södermanland is a province in Sweden close to our capital.

Tenggren March 3rd, 2014 12:21

New pics with m90K.


Tenggren March 13th, 2014 17:38

x2 G&G AK5c
Dboys m203
G&P m203

Cusom made heatshield

We Glock 17
Surefire x300

When one isn't enough you make 2 ;)
Our second grenade launcher ready to kickass in the near future :D

Tenggren April 28th, 2014 15:45

Updating this thread with another picture of our Swedish impression.

We have now added a sniper :tup:

Porkchop April 28th, 2014 23:56

If I did not kow better I'd swear that picture was taken in the Laurentians or Muskoka


Ninja_En_Short April 29th, 2014 14:27

Now you need to get some M90 Taiga ! ;)

Spike May 1st, 2014 11:24

Holy crap, the AK5Cs are already beefy as is... how much weight do those grenade launchers add?

Tenggren May 4th, 2014 16:58

The grenade launcher adds another 1.3 kgs xD

Tenggren May 5th, 2014 12:44

Hardcore enough? :D

Tenggren June 22nd, 2014 14:08

SST took a small trip down to the middle east to find new friends;)

M90k (RS)
Safariland 6004
Alta Kneepads

We G17
G&G AK5c
Psg 90 (modified L96)

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