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Heerven January 29th, 2014 21:29

Where to find a camo net around Montreal
I'm looking to buy a camo net around 10"X10". It seems not a lot surplus army have that. I saw one at Prefair but was too big... I would like to avoid shipping as possible

I'm looking for that type :

Eeyore January 29th, 2014 22:01

Camo netting comes in large sizes as to cover vehicles. Your best best is buy what you can and cut to size. Have you tried ebay?

xav1982 January 29th, 2014 22:01

I saw some on the airsoftqc web site
10' x 8' a 50$

Envoyé de mon iPad Ã* l'aide de Tapatalk HD

BloodSport January 29th, 2014 22:37

Not in Montreal, but talk to ArmyIssue here on these forums he probably has/can get what you are looking for and he has fast shipping.

ragnagna January 29th, 2014 22:48

As-tu regardé chez Prefair Ã* Beloeil? Appelle les pour savoir si ils l'ont en stock ;)

Drake January 29th, 2014 22:54


Originally Posted by Heerven (Post 1863229)
I'm looking to buy a camo net around 10"X10".

really 10 INCHES (~ 25x25 cm) or did you mean 10 feet (10') ?

Heerven January 30th, 2014 07:17

I mean 10 feet of course :p

I found some online with the right size. Prefair has some but to big (and also too expensive).
Thanks for your suggestions. I will try Airsoft Qc
In the worst case I will buy online

Aegiis January 30th, 2014 08:15

As-tu vérifié les endroits ou ils vendent du tissu Ã* la verge ? Pas les boutiques, mais plutot les styles entrepots.

Deadpool January 30th, 2014 18:47

Y me semble qu'il y a pourtant plusieurs surplus d'armé Ã* montréal.

Heerven January 30th, 2014 19:00

A surplus IG J'en ai pas vu et Prefair c'etait trop grand. Les autres surplus j'ai essentiellement checké sur internet quand ils avaient un site.
finalement airsoft Qc c'est sur commande aussi... Je pense que je vais aller chez eux et soutenir le commerce local :D

Deadpool January 30th, 2014 19:58

Il y a un autre surplus sur la même rue que le surplus IG.

Aegiis January 30th, 2014 21:12

Sinon celui de Joliette, ca donne une excuse pour amener ta blonde pour un ptit road trip ;)

Envoyé de mon SGH-M919V en utilisant Tapatalk

Heerven January 31st, 2014 07:31

I will check this week end
Pour celui de joliette, jvais voir aussi si je trouve rien ici.
Merci pour vos reponses.

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