Airsoft Canada

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-   -   It says my age in my profile now, but yet i still cant view the classifieds. (

AuroraUnit117 January 3rd, 2014 02:37

It says my age in my profile now, but yet i still cant view the classifieds.
Hello y'all, A few weeks ago i put through a age verification through another user here, and he submitted it for approval. Yet i still cant view the classified section, its still under 'private'. So either its taking a reaaaaaaally long time or something is wrong. Anything i need to do on my end?

GBBR January 3rd, 2014 02:44

i waited 1 whole month, its normal, waiting is annoying, but you gotta wait

Slow January 3rd, 2014 07:04

Your info was posted on the 17th. An admin should be updating the system soon.

Please be patient and the vault of Airsoft mysteries shall be granted.

Ricochet January 3rd, 2014 08:14

Thanks for your patience. 2 weeks to a month can be normal. It's all done by volunteers, and it is the holiday season. It won't be long.

AuroraUnit117 January 5th, 2014 03:15

Thanks for the replies guys! Ill keep waiting, gives me more time to save up money to spend in the classifieds ;) haha

speednut January 5th, 2014 10:37

yea bud it takes a while , just keep checking

pusangani January 5th, 2014 23:13

It says I'm a vampire in mine but that don't mean I sparkle in the sun

GBBR January 6th, 2014 00:45


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1858216)
It says I'm a vampire in mine but that don't mean I sparkle in the sun

If pusangani posts in one of your threads it means your doing something wrong.

Deadpool January 6th, 2014 01:30


Originally Posted by GBBR (Post 1858235)
If pusangani posts in one of your threads it means your doing something wrong.

Nah...It just means that Pus saw your thread...It's a compulsive thing he has.

MultipleParadox January 6th, 2014 08:50

Still makes sense if you read the title as is
OP doesn't mention having met with a AVer

AuroraUnit117 January 6th, 2014 21:43


Originally Posted by MultipleParadox (Post 1858261)
Still makes sense if you read the title as is
OP doesn't mention having met with a AVer

A few weeks ago i put through a age verification through another user here
if you actually read it you would see i did mention it

BloodSport January 7th, 2014 11:22


Originally Posted by AuroraUnit117 (Post 1858402)

A few weeks ago i put through a age verification through another user here
if you actually read it you would see i did mention it

I think he meant your thread Title "It says my age in my profile now, but yet i still cant view the classifieds"

Welcome to ASC where people do not actually read the posts, they just react.

MultipleParadox January 7th, 2014 13:34


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1858484)
Welcome to ASC where people do not actually read the posts, they just react.

When you get in an engamenent, you must not think, you must react!*

* the validity of this statement is irrelevant


BloodSport January 7th, 2014 14:43


Originally Posted by MultipleParadox (Post 1858506)
When you get in an engamenent, you must not think, you must react!*

* the validity of this statement is irrelevant


I can ban you for life therefore if I say it is relevant it is.

nuff said. I win the war.

hollywood... January 7th, 2014 15:23


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1858511)
I can ban you for life therefore if I say it is relevant it is.

nuff said. I win the war.

LOL - best post ever!

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