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Rob101 November 12th, 2013 11:46

Airsoft in Alberta?
What's the airsoft like in Alberta? The future wife and I are thinking about moving out there with in the next 2 years or so after we get hitched. Just curious if I should cut back on the sport or if there's a good strong presents in the Provence.

L473ncy November 12th, 2013 12:03

Not as great as Ontario but it's alive and kicking (just not as high of a density of players as in ON). Depends on where you go though. Also local/regional forums tend to be more active than ASC.

Edmonton has EAR, Calgary has JOC, Red Deer has RAAT. Lethbridge doesn't have much public stuff but there are private games that run. There's also a group in GP but I don't know much about them.

That should take care of the major cities.

Rob101 November 12th, 2013 12:30

Well that's more action than in northern Ontario that's for sure. We're thinking of finding a place more on the outskirts of Edmonton I believe.

Darklen November 12th, 2013 12:35

There's actually groups all over, some more active than others. Spring/Summer/Fall Calgary, Edmonton & Red Deer are all pretty active with games happening every week. Sometimes multiple games. There are also groups in Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray, Cold Lake, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Olds, Rocky Mountain House, Three Hills & Brooks. Those are the ones that I know of. Some are a bunch of guys just getting together to sling plastic, some are more organised and some are very serious about the sport. Some are quite active, some hardly at all. Over the winter, things die down to almost nothing due to the weather. Edmonton has a couple of indoor places but no one else does. Calgary had two. Had.

Rob101 November 12th, 2013 12:50

Sweet so at least I know I will have something to do for fun out there. I'll sign up to their forums and ask if they have any set requirements. I just hope there's some nam games.

Ricochet November 12th, 2013 14:24

There's quite a bit if airsoft in Alberta per capita. There will be no problem finding games, teams, players, etc. Get on EAR, I know the DAWGS are a solid group of guys, you can find them on there. Alberta also has a very high average income, and low tax and cost. Some if the best airsoft games and equipment are there.

burnettkyle November 12th, 2013 14:37

Most games hosted in the Lethbridge and Taber area are announced on the Lethbridge airsoft barracks page on facebook. There are usually games every Sunday during summer. We have a small growing group of players over 20 people for Taber events usually.

Ricochet November 12th, 2013 14:48

In the Edmonton area for Vietnam style stuff, go to Capital Airsoft (in Edmonton), and talk to Jeff Baker. Also on ASC here as jeff_baker I believe.

BloodSport November 12th, 2013 16:21

Rob101 Saskatchewan has more Airsoft action then Northern Ontario lol, Alberta has about 4x as much as we do.

About 1/2 as much as southern Ontario though.

L473ncy November 12th, 2013 17:25


Originally Posted by Rob101 (Post 1847891)
Well that's more action than in northern Ontario that's for sure. We're thinking of finding a place more on the outskirts of Edmonton I believe.

Parkland county (Spruce Grove/Stony Plain) is a very nice place to go if you're looking outskirts of Edmonton without being too far from the city life. Kind of like what I'd equate Vancouver is to White Rock or Toronto to Barrie.

When I was looking I think rent was fairly cheap and places were pretty nice too. House prices aren't that bad either (~$300K for 3 bed 3 bath detached single family home? That's a steal compared to the prices in the lower mainland as far as I'm concerned, AND you're only like a 45 min drive from Edmonton).

swatt13 November 12th, 2013 19:13

Holy lancey your way off the mark. Alberta could easily be considered the epicenter for Airsoft in western canada. While the major clubs are Edmonto (ear) Calgary (Joc) and red deer (RAAT) there are clubs in every city in the province.
Lethbridge has a group (act, 686)
Grande prairie had a few groups (Swatt north)
Brooks (swatt south not sure if you've heard of them ;p)
High level
Medicine Hat

Wait didn't you use to play with a coupe teams you forgot to mention? Sheesh. Lol

L473ncy November 12th, 2013 19:57

Yeah Jonas, I'll concede it is the epicentre of airsoft for western canada.

Didn't know about groups in Taber or High Level though, but I didn't think it was my place to mention teams that I see as being more private groups since I'm only a casual weekend warrior and not a regular member.

BTW: Ricochet, shouldn't that be Greater Coquitlam? :P

ThunderCactus November 12th, 2013 20:48

Actually taber, med hat and brooks are a part of greater calgary lol

Rob101 November 13th, 2013 00:36

I personally wouldn't mind further out but the wife won't go for it. I had also told her we need a garage or else! Or else you might say? Let me elaborate, I told her we need a garage or else she will walk into the house and see me skinning a deer in the living room. But we're just starting out it would be our first house and we don't have any kids yet. I wouldn't mind something with a bit more space than a suburb kinda feel, I have never been big on city's I personally hate Toronto for some reason I'm not saying the people or anything just the busyness and the lack of a nice 4x4 truck driving down the road. I have never been out west before so if I get some work out that way I hope I can see it for myself.


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1847964)
Parkland county (Spruce Grove/Stony Plain) is a very nice place to go if you're looking outskirts of Edmonton without being too far from the city life. Kind of like what I'd equate Vancouver is to White Rock or Toronto to Barrie.

When I was looking I think rent was fairly cheap and places were pretty nice too. House prices aren't that bad either (~$300K for 3 bed 3 bath detached single family home? That's a steal compared to the prices in the lower mainland as far as I'm concerned, AND you're only like a 45 min drive from Edmonton).

theshaneler November 13th, 2013 01:11

You could move to Barrhead :p
It's about 1.5hrs from Edmonton, small town, with enough here to keep you entertained. Also only 15 min away from capital airsoft's outdoor field.
But if either of you are used to any kind of city living, it'll be rough. I hated living in the city, and live it out here.

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