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OpAirsoftBaller May 10th, 2013 16:16

AEG M4 battery instillation
1 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone.

I uploaded a picture to help you install your battery for those who have a crane stock. When I first got into airsoft I had some troubles figuring it out. But theres 2 knobs you need to twist, and then put in your battery facing inward with the wires coming back towards you. I hope this helps

Small hint. It does matter what side the 2 knobs are on. Each knob has a corner missing so they don't pinch the wires.

Hectic May 10th, 2013 16:29

Just fyi. Most crane stocks have a removeable butt plate to put the battery in. You dont have to slide the whole stock off and remove those plugs

ThunderCactus May 10th, 2013 19:07

how did you build a still into your gun??

Hectic May 10th, 2013 20:05

A still in the what now?
Also OP why not put deans plug on the battery instead of usein the adapter?

OpAirsoftBaller May 10th, 2013 20:10

That's just how the gun came when I got it. Plus having that extra little bit of wire makes it easier to connect the 2 so I haven't bothered changing it lol

ThunderCactus May 10th, 2013 21:05

instillation, get it? :D

Hectic May 10th, 2013 23:19

Ahh i see, reading comprehension lol

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