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ZanderFTW April 8th, 2013 16:17

KWA mp9 vs Custom 1911
Hello, I found a two guns on Craigslist either a Kwa mp9 or a Custom 1911. Both guns are from the same buyer, he says he never gamed with them, and are in mint condition.

"Custom built, WE lower chrome frame, KJW les Baer custom slide, Marui internals, Nova brass hopup assembly, guarder 6.02mm precision barrel, guarder 120% recoil and hammer spring, element dyna piston head."

He's selling the mp9 for $220 and the 1911 for $280 both come with one magazine. The problem is I'm not sure what gun I want to get. Both guns are entirely different, and have their pros and cons. I know I'm going to want the mp9 eventually so its just a matter of time and its cheaper then buying it at a store. The 1911 is more expensive but fits a bit more what I want as a secondary, and everyone one says TM is better. Any thoughts, any input is appreciated.

JDoorn April 8th, 2013 16:24

first, fill in your location. then get av'd. Are you in Canada? Are the guns you're looking at buyin shipping from Canada?

ZanderFTW April 8th, 2013 16:27

Ya the GTA

JDoorn April 8th, 2013 16:30

if the guns are coming from anywhere other than Canada, don't bother. especially if it's a private sale. read some of the importing threads to find out why. Get AV'd and buy local. I would tell you where but you're not AV'd...

ZanderFTW April 8th, 2013 16:32

The guy is from Canada.

BennyBoy April 8th, 2013 16:33

Careful on that source of equipment. You'll most likely get ripped off. If it sounds too good to be true, you'll probably get duped.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2

Nickaayyy April 8th, 2013 16:36

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling in this offer, the price seems a bit too low IMO.

edit: Just saw he custom built it. If I where you I would get AV and buy one on this forum, more safe. Or you can still buy a new one from a retailer.

ZanderFTW April 8th, 2013 16:38

The 1911 sounds too low?

Hectic April 8th, 2013 16:40

All of the above andbyes its two totally different guns.
The fact the 1911 is a mix match of different parts id stay away but the mp9 is a lil big for using as a sidearm in most cases

Nickaayyy April 8th, 2013 16:44

No the KWA, sry I forgot to mention it XD. The things that really bug me it's they're custom build and theres no way to know if they've been carefully built.

But I'll let the veteran talk about the upgrades made, maybe it's a good offer too.

JDoorn April 8th, 2013 16:46

That's why the classifieds here are great. usually someone knows the seller and can vouche for them, plus theres the trader rating. If that 1911 is upgraded with what you say it has, and it works. that price does seem kinda low...

Styrak April 8th, 2013 17:00

TM/KJW style 1911's and WE 1911's are designed differently and have a bunch of parts that don't work together...and take different mags....I'm wondering how that pistol actually functions.....

ZanderFTW April 8th, 2013 17:06

What about a kwa m9 ptp or a kwa 1911 mark 2 vs the mp9

JDoorn April 8th, 2013 17:10

I have the M9 PTP and LOVE it. it's not fully automatic but you can get some 50 round mags for it :) It has great gas efficiency usually 2 mags per fill and shoots hard and accurate. it is a rather large pistol so if you have small hands I would look for something else...

MultipleParadox April 8th, 2013 17:32

You're asking comparison between 2 pistols and an SMG, which doesn't really make senses

Figure out what you want first, then start to compare...

Regarding that 1911 you describe in your first post: I wouldn't touch that thing... Pretty sure there's a whole bunch of tolerance issues that will lead to tons of problems.
I might be wrong, but I don't think it's worth the risk

Especially when you can get (semi-) profesionally upgraded pistols for a great price on the classifieds here, or brand new stock guns for less than that from legit retailers...

On a side note, I owned a KWA M93r (basically a 3-burst/semi m9) and got a M9 PTP or my father: between the two I'd go with the PTP line of pistols as they seems better constructed and more durable. The 93r was a great pistol but more of a novelty than anything

Hope this help

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