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Uberg33k April 6th, 2013 18:32

Need To Cure My Glock Craving!
Okay so I decided that I'm going to bite the bullet and invest in a Glock from TM, I really didn't want to mod but after seeing this posted by Krame in a post from 5 years ago:

I absolutely must have it! lol What do you guys recommend I do? Should I buy online and then start modding or just buy modded? Is there someone selling something similar (besides e-luder, his are beautiful but I want that two-tone). Price will be a factor because I don't want to spend more than $500 total on it completely modded. And being a Father of two the cheaper the better. :) Any suggestions are appreciated. :)

Styrak April 6th, 2013 18:36

Given that the gun will likely be more than $300 new, that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for upgrades or customization.

darkshift April 6th, 2013 18:37

Depends on what you want modded. If you're looking for aesthetics then start with a TM g17 and look for a silver slide/barrel combo. Slides can be imported freely so you have a lot of choices. Check the classifieds for guarder frames, usually one or two out there. I recall a retailer that was selling it in country for about $65 or so but I don't remember the name/link. I'll pm you if I find it. In regards to internal modification all depends on the brand/quality. Real easy to break your $500 budget (look for mmmken's glock build, over a grand)

darkshift April 6th, 2013 18:42

Actually what styrak is saying is true to some extent, but e-luder sold a pretty much fully upgraded external/internal g17 for $375. Contact him if you want help or would like to have him build you a piece. He is highly recommended, helped a ton with my glock build, great resource and really friendly guy.

Uberg33k April 6th, 2013 18:43


Originally Posted by darkshift (Post 1781202)
Depends on what you want modded. If you're looking for aesthetics then start with a TM g17 and look for a silver slide/barrel combo. Slides can be imported freely so you have a lot of choices. Check the classifieds for guarder frames, usually one or two out there. I recall a retailer that was selling it in country for about $65 or so but I don't remember the name/link. I'll pm you if I find it. In regards to internal modification all depends on the brand/quality. Real easy to break your $500 budget (look for mmmken's glock build, over a grand)

Awesome thanks. Yeah for me I'm talking aesthetics not internals as TM's are great out of the box so I'm told. I'm not saying I won't go over $500, I would just rather not if I can help it.

darkshift April 6th, 2013 18:44

contact e-luder. you'll be more than happy with the end result =)

Uberg33k April 6th, 2013 18:44


Originally Posted by darkshift (Post 1781204)
Actually what styrak is saying is true to some extent, but e-luder sold a pretty much fully upgraded external/internal g17 for $375. Contact him if you want help or would like to have him build you a piece. He is highly recommended, helped a ton with my glock build, great resource and really friendly guy.

I wasn't aware he did requests! lol I will definitely drop him a PM. :)

The Chad April 6th, 2013 19:17

Sorry but the title of this thread looks like it belongs on craigslist

Uberg33k April 6th, 2013 19:40


Originally Posted by The Chad (Post 1781214)
Sorry but the title of this thread looks like it belongs on craigslist

lol I was thinking that too.

jordan7831 April 6th, 2013 20:10

You guys are going to drive E luder nuts with requests lol!

darkshift April 6th, 2013 20:57

I mean I can help with builds/create builds for people too, im just saying the best for glocks is e-luder. =P

Hectic April 6th, 2013 21:09

You could get the glock he has for sale and polish the slide and barrel

Uberg33k April 6th, 2013 21:45


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1781259)
You could get the glock he has for sale and polish the slide and barrel

Problem is I wouldn't begin to know how to do that. lol But I was considering that as well.

ap27 April 6th, 2013 22:23

Pretty sure e-luder does builds. I'd highly recommend the Guarder frame. I've been really impressed by it simply because it feels very different in the hand. Nothing like the original TM frame which felt shiny/slippery/lightweight.

Another part to upgrade soon is the magazine catch, especially if you use the 50 rnd long magazines. The stock plastic one begins to wear out and basically makes the magazine sit lower than it should. This results in light-striking as the hammer doesn't hit the release valve center-on.

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