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bananaphone88 March 21st, 2013 20:01

To grease or to oil, that is the question.
I've just finished putting together my G&P SR16 CQB challenge kit, everything is good to go but I was wondering, about the bolt carrier, what kind of lubricant should I use for it? I have a steel ra-tech bolt inside the aluminum body, I would think I should be using some sort of grease on the outside of the bolt to smoothen out the movement, I assume silicone oil is too light for metal on metal contact. And as for the trigger/hammer/sear what should i use (if anything) to lubricate this? Right now the internals are dry (no lube anywhere) and I have yet to fire it before I clear this up.

Thank you, and have fun shooting each other.

thpethalK March 21st, 2013 20:06

I used graphite powder and white lithium on all metal on metal contact points with all my GBB/Rs

Hectic March 21st, 2013 20:08

I think some folks like the super lube for metal on metal points.
There are alot of other options tho.
I even heard of a "wax" type lube that provides got friction reduction on metal to metal contact points but doesnt leave gunk that traps dust n grit (i think illusion was talkin about it)

ThunderCactus March 21st, 2013 21:48

wax, graphite, synthetic grease
oil doesn't necessarily get thick and gunky, but it does run and wash out quickly

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