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yan101 March 8th, 2013 09:42

best ''investment'' for my g36
I have a TM g36c, got it used (did'nt spend much)

Right now it is almost stock (couple of replacement but no up-grad)
I am playing mostly field.
The fps is low (last game 256fps with .25bb), brand new m90 spring.
I just re-seal cylinder head (didn't check fps now, but don't expect big raise)

I tried a m110 but the motor/gears didn't like it.

so I a wondering what is the best up-grad for this gun. It's probably gone a end-up as my secondary within the year so I don't want to do a ''full rebuild''.

I was thinking tigh inner barrel, but would I need a new hop-up with that?

If the new barrel is too long (only need 247 mm with g36), is it better too cut the barrel or add silencer to hide the exces?

Would the increase performance would be noticable since it is a low fps gun playing outside?

lurkingknight March 8th, 2013 10:16

why not buy the correct length barrel?

256 fps with .25 sounds right with m90. a 90 spring is around 300 fps with .2s

yan101 March 8th, 2013 10:29


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1770127)
why not buy the correct length barrel?

256 fps with .25 sounds right with m90. a 90 spring is around 300 fps with .2s

I have seen a longer barrel locally (no shipping...).

From different post, I gather the lenght of the barrel as lest influence than is diameter right?

Styrak March 8th, 2013 23:01

Get a better/bigger battery, and run the M110.
Leave everything else stock unless it breaks.

coach March 9th, 2013 06:21

1 - what are you expecting to achieve with upgrades?
2 - what is your budget?

yan101 March 9th, 2013 08:02

Did try a m110, the gear/motor didn't like it, so I put a m90. I am using a 7,4v lipo.

This gun is now smooth, a little low on range since I plays mostly field.
To put in a bigger spring, I would probably need new motor, gear and gear box.

My intention was to keep this one as a back-up/qcb gun and get already more powerful main gun.

So the question is more: would a tigh bore make a worth while amelioration on a 300fps gun playing field?
Money wise, I would like to keep this one low budget so I can get a ''dedicated'' field gun (I always like the wood finish)

akira69 March 16th, 2013 19:21

unless your comfortable opening the gearbox leave it stock a tightbore is a bit of a waste as a primary upgrade imo, i have a jg g36k with a m130 and an element high torque motor. i did replace my stock gears with shs gears but i really could have left them til they died. now i have a nice little collection of spare parts for when ever it fails down the road. there should be no reason to replace the gearbox or gears unless they are stripped a motor sure make sure the aoe is set properly, but yet again unless you are willing to get dirty..... or get someone who is experienced in airsoft gun maintenance, stay stock. and i run my high torque with a 130 spring on a 7.4 lipo but i bit the bullet and learned the hard way to work on my own gun if i mess up its on me.

Dart March 16th, 2013 21:29

Shredder concave nub. One of the best upgrades you can put into any AEG

Varjeal March 16th, 2013 23:15

Best upgrade for gun?

Inside mechbox:

Grease, shim, AOE correction, correct air seal, fresh low resistance wiring.

Out of mechbox:

Hopup, bucking, r-hop and a volume matched polished straight 6.03mm inner barrel and mosfet, strong motor, good quality battery.

Run it until it blows up then go full rebuild.

medhatboy March 16th, 2013 23:58

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Dart (Post 1773301)
Shredder concave nub. One of the best upgrades you can put into any AEG

put one in my KWA G36 with the K conversion kit and was getting with a 0.25gr bb a flat shot out to 100ft with the hop-up all the way off. With it tuned just right and the same weight bb, was placing shots threw 1-2" gaps at 150ft, and kill shots in the open at almost 200ft.

wind_comm March 17th, 2013 00:00


Originally Posted by yan101 (Post 1770100)
best ''investment'' for my g36

mosfet, pinion to bevel shim job, r-hop.

Ross March 17th, 2013 00:24

if you plan on using this as a temporary field gun, and a permanent cbq gun. Then I wouldn't change anything.

If the gun is accurate enough and feeds fine then that's all you need. In my opinion.

yan101 March 17th, 2013 07:56


Originally Posted by Ross (Post 1773370)
if you plan on using this as a temporary field gun, and a permanent cbq gun. Then I wouldn't change anything.

If the gun is accurate enough and feeds fine then that's all you need. In my opinion.

The gun does'nt perform as I expeted, that's the reason for the potential up-grade

I am now able to shot once put everything thing apart, put it back-up and fire in about 1/2 hour.

rewiring done, shimming done, greasing done, air seal done.

I will need to test it

I'll have another look at the AOE, will do more researche on the Shredder concave nub and r-hop
I got a deal on a madbull tighbore, so I am gone to put it in.

After that back to testing

Dart March 17th, 2013 18:29

the shredders are hard to find now adays. I know Bentbarrelairsoft has some in though..... but pretty sure supply is running out.

Rusty Lugnuts March 17th, 2013 20:30

shipping for this nub is out of control at BBA

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