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Team colour inquiry
Ok, guys.
So I was chatting with some people from an airsoft retail store and they're the ones that sent me here. However I was also told that we can't use certain colors for our team uniforms? Basically my team that is starting up is looking to go in tactical black (not a SWAT unit, but I've had too many encounters where I'm hidden thanks to my black uniform and some friends have had the same and we tagged a guy not ten feet from us.) So, in regards to bigger games and whatnot, what are the rules? As i'm new to the airsoft world, I've only participated in one Airsoft mega game at adrenaline., so i don't really know what the situation is in regards to permitted colors. If anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it, as I'd like to get the BDUs confirmed and the jersey designed. |
For milsim games the camo color for each team is set by the host. Mostly green vs tan from what ive played. Black is not really used in the games i have played in. Unless its camo pants and a black shirt. Smaller games dont have set camo rules and you can run what ever you like.
As for camo choice. Multicam and Atacs seem to be in demand at the moment. You cant go wrong with good old cadpat for outdoor. At the end of the day it comes down to what you like and what works best where you play. |
It would be specific to individual games. Hosts will typically outline rules for each team RE camo so that players can tell one another apart with relative ease.
Usually you see games split up as Tan side vs Green side. Also other games will do camo vs civvy or sometimes you used to see digital vs analog camo. If all-black is your teams choice of BDU you may find yourself having to purchase something else depending on what game you attend. To start out though and for attending skrims and other laid back matches an all-black BDU shouldn't be a problem typically. |
Green and Tan are the two major colour identifiers for opposing teams in a MilSim environment. Black / Blue / Grey etc will get tagged onto what ever team identified by the host. Some games stipulate you must wear a certain colour and that other colours are banned.
Best bet, go buy Woodland and Desert Marpat. These two will ensure you can join either side of a game you want to play at. Black is rarely used outdoors due to it creating a void in darkness, and lack of blending in nature. But to each their own. |
There'll usually be two different scenarios that you'll get into.
1. The teams/sides/forces are split up according to colour when you sign up. Something along the lines of... "TAN vs. Green" or "Digital vs. Analog" or "NATO vs. Other" or "US vs. Other" etc.... When you sign up for those games you declare what side you'll be on...so the host can get a grasp of what the numbers and size of the forces will be. At the games where the camo pattern is listed the hosts and every other player is expecting people to be wearing BDU's of that pattern. For example, if the game host says..."GREEN Team (Woodland, DPM, CADPAT, Tigerstripe)"...then you're expected to show in one of those patterns, not simply in green street clothing, not in a custom made green jersey. If in doubt...ask the game host. 2. It's not really stated up front by the host, etc....or it's a walk on game - you either sign up or just show up wearing whatever - teams are figured out on the spot...usually keeping similar colours together (guys in black tend to be the odds and ends and are simply put on one side or the other to balance things out) Unless the camo's are designated specifically, the "colour" is whatever is predominate...whatever it would be if someone saw you at a glance and picked Tan/Green/Other. If you're wearing a black shirt but have a green chest rig, backpack, gloves, hat, etc...on, you'll probably be seen as green. Hope that helps |
I see. Thanks.
All the good team colours are taken . Use winter whites or
http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia...age_people.jpg |
One field we play, MC is superb. At another not so much but old school US Woodlands lets you disappear. Black is tough especially outdoors since it doesn't exist in nature. It's easy to spot if people your are playing against know what to look for and will often stick out like a sore thumb. |
OR http://www.blauer.com/wp/wp-content/...WAT-Gear-3.png Either works when you are in the dark but theres a huge difference in the day light. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zxpycdHfvp...8/s1600/42.jpg Coach knows how effective differnt camo is, I've found and shot him often enough. |
I find darker camos, marpat, woodland, DPM, cadpat, OD, etc actually stand out more at night, since they turn into very dark black blotches
Whereas lighter camos, ACU, multicam, desert, etc blend in better Like I always said, the light green grass is still light green at night, it just has less light on it. Multicam and acu do best under heavy moonlight as well, acu especially since its moonlight colored at night lol |
I love black gear
when it's on the other team |
My opinion, unless you're running indoors, where color doesn't matter much at all, DON'T EVER wear black outdoors. Black is for Mall Security.
There's NOTHING that stands out more in the woods than black.....both during the day AND at night. The color of your camo is just as important at night as it is during the day. |
Black will be fine if your planing on playing indoors, outdoors however it wount work at all.
you will stand out like crazy against a brown tan and green background and hiding in the shaows wont help much either as you will be a noticeable dark black mass within them. The greenish grey color that armyissue posted in one of his pics will work okay outdoors and indoors and will still give your team that uber1337 tacticool swat type look. Keep in mind most tactical response units done wear black anymore, yes sometimes black vests and gear but mainly the grey/greenish/blueish greys as the found that grey works beter then black as the dont stand out as much im not sayin dont go with black im just suggesting there are other more versatile options to consider. woodland is dirt cheap but keep in mind woodland gear like pouches and modular chest rigs vests and such are becoming harder to come by as it gets older, and the fact that there wasnt a whole heap of modular stuff made in woodland, as stuff became verry modular the US went to ACU and MARPAT and Canada went to CadPat. Then you got yer ACU that works okay in alot of urban settings and in some outdoor places (Paintball fields and Dead treed areas come to mind) and indoor as well and is easy to find both camo and modular gear for prety cheap cause its not really in use same with desert and woodland MARPAT. Then you got yer current issue stuffs lil more cash but its whats cool, you got yer CadPat, baby puke... i mean muticam sorry ;) and the new aged stuff like AOR 1&2 and the two types of ATACS, those especially the last two as i said will cost alot more and for the ATACS and AOR there are fewwer bits of kit to go with as its the new shit that no major army is using so the demand for said gear doesnt exist yet so the stuff that you can buy will cost you your first born and left testi. |
I would say get one of the listed greens and tans...then you are covered for whatever game you go too :)
http://forcerecon.ca/nightfall/index.php/game/rules |
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