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monira25 October 25th, 2012 21:02

airsoft nerf rocket launcher
hi, by any chance does anyone know where to buy a nerf rocket launcher for airsoft game because I can't find any at Zellers, toys r us and Wal Mart.

Slow October 25th, 2012 21:08

Best answer....NO!

AngelusNex October 25th, 2012 21:12

They don't sell any for of nerf launcher that would be acceptable in an airsoft game. For airsoft you'll need at least 50' rang out of a launcher to make it in any way usefull. None of the nerf toys can (without extreme modification) get rocket sized projectiles out to any real distance.

HackD October 25th, 2012 23:48

The short answer - no, i don't know of where to pick up one of those - i looked in the past myself, and i didn't find anything - in hind-sight of an experiment, i'm glad that i didn't - it would have been a waste of money, with the range issue already mentioned.

What i did find, were similar rockets to the ones that the nerf launcher would use at the Dollarama. I picked up two to do an experiment. I shaved them down to the diameter of a M203 launcher, and used a paintball M203 shell as the launcher charge.

Results - 20 foot, maximum. Not worth the effort.

Cpt- Lovegrove October 26th, 2012 07:45

i had an idea about making a potato gun desing to launch them, i will probly pick up the last of the parts i need on sunday, i will let you know what the rang is, and if i think it would be safe for use against a human target

dutchydoc October 26th, 2012 08:20


Originally Posted by Cpt- Lovegrove (Post 1718531)
i had an idea about making a potato gun desing to launch them, i will probly pick up the last of the parts i need on sunday, i will let you know what the rang is, and if i think it would be safe for use against a human target

You need this...

I built a nerf "one man mortar" using the nerf-vortex football. Powered by propane and ignited by an electronic pulse igniter (modern BBQ style).

The range of an arced shot was about 150yds. Would be fine to use as a mortar, but much to overpowered to be a direct fire weapon. If you trust the person using could be put to good use in a game.

This was what I came up with as a test unit. is what a little more effort could get you; imagine a battery of these going at a game!
Airsoft howitzer big bore breach load

j_march October 26th, 2012 15:15

Go onto ebay and buy the little nerf footballs, you can stick them in the m203's and power them with the good mad bull shells and they will go pretty far, im in the middle of doing this and trying to get better range, you can get the shells to use co2 from what i understand which can give you more power.

j_march October 26th, 2012 15:20

just go on youtube and look up airsoft + nerd + m203 and you will find a few videos that show this.

ccyg8774 October 26th, 2012 15:53


Originally Posted by j_march (Post 1718641)
just go on youtube and look up airsoft + nerd + m203 and you will find a few videos that show this.

You mean nerf? :D

j_march October 26th, 2012 16:00

yes NERF lol...........but some nerd prolly made it

COL.TIKER October 26th, 2012 16:10

claims to shoot nerf rockets to 300feet

Jimski October 26th, 2012 16:14

I believe Monira asked because we sometimes used a nerf launcher as a prop and special weapon in some skirmishes where the nerf launcher must be retrieved and then some target must be shot with it, which is hard precisely because it is weak, hence improving the fun factor of the scenario.

monira25 October 26th, 2012 17:33


Originally Posted by HackD (Post 1718476)
The short answer - no, i don't know of where to pick up one of those - i looked in the past myself, and i didn't find anything - in hind-sight of an experiment, i'm glad that i didn't - it would have been a waste of money, with the range issue already mentioned.

What i did find, were similar rockets to the ones that the nerf launcher would use at the Dollarama. I picked up two to do an experiment. I shaved them down to the diameter of a M203 launcher, and used a paintball M203 shell as the launcher charge.

Results - 20 foot, maximum. Not worth the effort.

alright maybe I will use my m203 launcher for antivehicule senario but where can I find the shell to put a nerf rocket?

monira25 October 26th, 2012 17:34


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1718655)
I believe Monira asked because we sometimes used a nerf launcher as a prop and special weapon in some skirmishes where the nerf launcher must be retrieved and then some target must be shot with it, which is hard precisely because it is weak, hence improving the fun factor of the scenario.

yea last we play a senario to destroy a fortress and the host brought a nerf rocket launcher at action 500, it was pretty fun.

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