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Long_Bong October 10th, 2012 19:15

Were are you fitness wise? Do you have the minimum to make it in the CF?

So walking out of the office today, I runned into a CF recruting bin and got a copy of this:

Now, with this in mind and a lot of skirmish vs MilSim talk I m sure we all had, assuming a MilSim player had proper physical shape for a MilSim game (heavy load, long hard walk, quick sprint, endurance, etc), I m curious to see:

Were are you fitness wise, do you meet the basic CF Fitness Standard for your age (which I would assume would be a minimum to tackle MilSim game)?

Long_Bong October 10th, 2012 19:20

I may as well answer first, being an active CF member, I have to meet the basic fitness requirement in order to be deploy

Conker October 10th, 2012 19:24

I meet all of these "acceptable levels", except hand grip which I have absolutely no idea what I do.

I actually printed that and I'm training to reach at least 10% better than each one of these, as I'm currently in the process of joining the reserves. I do the 2.4km run in about 11min but I'm also working on reaching no more than 10min.

Antikythera October 10th, 2012 19:25

My Heart hurts just reading this.

Gato October 10th, 2012 19:27


Originally Posted by Long_Bong (Post 1712525)

So walking out of the office today, I runned into a CF recruting bin and got a copy of this:

Now, with this in mind and a lot of skirmish vs MilSim talk I m sure we all had, assuming a MilSim player had proper physical shape for a MilSim game (heavy load, long hard walk, quick sprint, endurance, etc), I m curious to see:

Were are you fitness wise, do you meet the basic CF Fitness Standard for your age (which I would assume would be a minimum to tackle MilSim game)?

Yes, I meed the standard. It's really not that hard to meet the Army's minimum standard. Start of BMQ, i was fucked up, not remotely prepared. Fixed that for SQ.

It's very easy to get in shape to the level specified in that link


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1712530)
I meet all of these "acceptable levels", except hand grip which I have absolutely no idea what I do.

I actually printed that and I'm training to reach at least 10% better than each one of these, as I'm currently in the process of joining the reserves. I do the 2.4km run in about 11min but I'm also working on reaching no more than 10min.

You'll probably be doing the BFT for the fitness test more often than you will a run, also keep in mind the coopers test isn't a straight run. Practice pivoting if you've never done a coopers test.

Kozzie October 10th, 2012 21:10

Lets just say I'm more of an "explosive" type athlete, built for short spurts of extreme output rather than long distances.

Jimski October 10th, 2012 21:25

I don't see where it's written how many pushups they want
I hate pushups
I like chin ups
climbing stuff is funny
running is awful but I could do it...but I would hate it
I can lift heavy stuff, like a baby with a dirty diaper
I could probably reload a mag with one hand while holding a baby with the other arm, while it's attacking me

R.I.T.Z October 10th, 2012 21:35

according to that chart i should lose about
30lbs, but i can do the sit ups and push ups no problem, the run never timed myself,

Conker October 10th, 2012 21:48


Originally Posted by Gato (Post 1712532)
You'll probably be doing the BFT for the fitness test more often than you will a run, also keep in mind the coopers test isn't a straight run. Practice pivoting if you've never done a coopers test.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

Though I assume that running will still be common during the course... like ruck marches or group PT?

The Keiichione October 10th, 2012 21:51

Mentaly, Me and Sports/fitness in general have a love/hate relationship, with a lot of hating going on.
Physicaly, I'm not fat but I could use a lost of weight.

Cardio wise, I'm way below standard.

Rickshaw October 10th, 2012 22:21

Cardio is huge, so make sure you're up to run about 5-6 km or at least 45 minutes of running, whatever the distance. Chances are that that'll be a third of the PT you'll do on courses. You'll be fine though Conker.

Ozone06 October 10th, 2012 22:32

I'm fat, and I wouldn't qualify at at all, I didn't even have to look. I'm working on fixing that but then again thats why I get paid a lot to play with other peoples money all day.

So do I milsim? Hell yeah! Can I last the whole time. You bet. Do I go balls to the wall like a methed up speedballer for the whole day? No.

The trick with long games is like the gambling slogan... Know your limit, play with in it.

boren93 October 10th, 2012 22:53

19 push ups don't seem bad.

Stealthee October 11th, 2012 01:36

Looks like I'm underweight. Although, I think I can do everything except tread water and not too sure about the hand grip thing; 75kg for each hand seems pretty high.

BennyBoy October 11th, 2012 01:41

i gots to lose me some 30lbs lol

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