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Future_Sniper_ July 25th, 2005 17:14

Escort M26A1 Hand grenade, How do you adjust timer?
Hey I picked up one of these Escort Hand grenades, and am curious if anyone knows how to adjust the timer so detonation can be delayed. Im kinda confused and these stupid non-enlgish instructions arnt helping me at all.

Thanks for the help.


ToRN July 25th, 2005 19:08

is that the one that 'splodes when the spoon is moved?

if so, that is the fuse.

if not, I have no idea.

Kwokwai July 25th, 2005 21:54

Something to do with how many times you turn the stopper iirc. There's a post about this by kdeagles over at somewhere.

Future_Sniper_ July 26th, 2005 02:06


Originally Posted by KwokwaiWu
Something to do with how many times you turn the stopper iirc. There's a post about this by kdeagles over at somewhere.

Turn the stopper? like the head of the grenade? You have a link to this post?

Kwokwai July 26th, 2005 10:04

Found it! It was a link provided by somebody who was discussing this grenade at

Future_Sniper_ July 26th, 2005 19:04

Thanks, kinda helps.

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