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Doc1990 March 23rd, 2012 15:51

suggested upgrades for Magpul ACR akm
okay guys so heres the deal i have some cash laying around and I'm wondering what i should put in my PTS magpul masada

Doc1990 March 29th, 2012 10:25

nothing ?

Azathoth March 29th, 2012 10:50

Best airsoft upgrade, and i'm not being sarcastic is to upgrade the operator, get a gym membership and go 3-4 times a week. Buy a case of BB's and do some practice shooting somewhere acceptable.

If you want to upgrade the gun the ACR has a pile of proprietary parts so the only thing you really should upgrade is the barrel, hopup rubber and nub.

upgrade it by adding:
Milspec silver wiring, basic MOSFET or Raptor etc

'upgrading' gears, piston, piston head, cylinder head, nozzle etc is a waste of money if it's all working consistently without issues.

PrIeSt March 29th, 2012 10:50

I replaced most of the guts of my acr.

Upgrade everything if you can afford it. If not start at the hopup-barrel-compression than gearing

Az beat me too it. Upgrade the player first.
All depends on your budget.
Find a place to target shoot. Figure out your engagement range. Than figure out how to tell distances (surprisingly harder than you think)
Figure out how far past that you can cover fire. Etc.

Correct me of I'm wrong. But the acr won't take a MOSFET. Will the akm?

Dynamo March 29th, 2012 13:07

assuming the AKM ACR uses the same shit ARES gearbox with that ridiculous switch, a computerized mosfet is out of the question. at least not without doing extensive modifications to the gearbox shell. a basic mosfet might work. if you are going to be opening her up, check the gears and cylinder. i worked on an ACR with warped deformed gears, and a cylinder that had the inside wall scratched to shit due to the crap piston over sized metal tooth.

Doc1990 March 29th, 2012 18:16

well i dont think i need to go to the gym seeing how im reg force and have been deployed and have atleast 10X more actual combat experience( reall deal) . . . . im trying to see what other people have put into there ACR to see what works ....

XZIVR March 29th, 2012 18:23

Mine has the CNC hop chamber and nozzle. Huge change in shot concistency. And the trigger mechanism is a standard v2, so the raptor would work. Dont have one in mine but I do in other guns and it's great.

PrIeSt March 29th, 2012 18:37

My gun tech was unable to get the cnc hopup to work.

Doc1990 March 29th, 2012 18:53

why was he unable to get it to work ?

PrIeSt March 29th, 2012 19:07

I was told he could t get a seal.
It was a hopup and nozzle combo.

XZIVR March 29th, 2012 19:10

Mine worked great. :S

Azathoth March 29th, 2012 20:22


Originally Posted by Doc1990 (Post 1630296)
well i dont think i need to go to the gym seeing how im reg force and have been deployed and have atleast 10X more actual combat experience( reall deal) . . . . im trying to see what other people have put into there ACR to see what works ....

You`re going to have to forgive me brother. The majority of people asking that question are kids and overweight and out of shape video gamers who forgot what running and sunshine are.

My recommendation to buy a case of BB`s and plink around still stand you. will need it to see the difference you are getting from stock to upgraded and to see if what you are putting into the gun is doing any good or if the guy doing the work is doing it properly.

I do still recommend the barrel, hopup, rubber nub upgrades to improve shot consistency and tighter groupings. and the MOSFET or Raptor and wiring to improve trigger response and reduce electrical wear.

Aside from that fix it when it breaks

PrIeSt March 29th, 2012 22:36

You can't instal a raptor. Only a real basic fet will work in these Guns!

Swattiger March 29th, 2012 22:46

Sorry that my impression that the Magpul AKM, given it's price range, has quite good performance out of the box. May I know why it is so important or necessary to upgrade it right the way ?

My believe is the more you dissemble and assemble it, the more chance you would mess up something which might affect it's performance at the end.

Drake March 29th, 2012 23:01


Originally Posted by Doc1990 (Post 1630296)
well i dont think i need to go to the gym seeing how im reg force and have been deployed and have atleast 10X more actual combat experience( reall deal) . . . . im trying to see what other people have put into there ACR to see what works ....

10X more experience than what?

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