Airsoft Canada

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Smartass March 12th, 2012 06:14

Canadian Impression
Bought a 1952 battle dress blouse yesterday. It looks like a 1947 pattern but it's mostly the collar that's different from the 1939 pattern and my wife says that won't be a problem. I'm still hoping to find a sewing pattern but I'm not going to hold my breath so the scary proccess of disassembly and creating a new sewing pattern looms before us. Then the pants. The first build will be in denim for airsofting then the wool version.

Smartass March 12th, 2012 22:02

I really like the look of the battle dress at but it's hard to be sure of the colour. I don't supose anyone else has ever ordered one of these. I suppose if it's too brown I can try dyeing it a deeper green after the fact.

Pockets March 12th, 2012 22:10

i would say just stick with your 1952 battledress, dont fuss with modifying it. And in a season or two and your ready get a good reproduction like that, or off of ebay.
As for the color difference, i dont think anyone will really notice =)

Yorkie March 12th, 2012 22:25

Spearhead Militaria would be your best bet for Canadian BDU's. Decent quality at a reasonable price. Never come across Gavin militaria before, from the description it looks like an Indian place, be wary of those. Head on over to the Ontario Airsoft WW2 forums, there's a bunch of kit info there which should help you out.

Mr.Shiney March 12th, 2012 22:39

I have the Spearhead Canadian BattleDress, both the Worsted and the Serged Wool.

For the price, they are decent to get you in the field. Which unit are you thinking of doing?

bomber439 March 13th, 2012 00:52

I also have the Spearhead Canadian Battledress. Good quality and price.


Smartass March 13th, 2012 12:45

The Spearhead Canadian Battledress looks great. Unfortunately I'm not shaped like a 1940's battle ready canadian soldier. To wear pants that fit my waist I'd need to be 5 or 6 inches taller. The blouse is better but to fit my chest and shoulders the sleeves are down to my fingertips. There are limits to how much you can alter these things.

Smartass March 13th, 2012 12:50

I haven't settled on a unit. Since I'll be carrying an M1A1 I have to be an officer or at least a noncom. If there was an airsoft Lee Enfield I'd go private all the way. More research is needed. I picked up Dressed To Kill by Michael Dorosh for a start.

Pockets March 13th, 2012 14:00

I found a company that will make you a custom uniform. I got them to make me a german M36 uniform and as the pictures show... it looks great!

leecas March 13th, 2012 14:29


Originally Posted by Smartass (Post 1621239)
I haven't settled on a unit. Since I'll be carrying an M1A1 I have to be an officer or at least a noncom. If there was an airsoft Lee Enfield I'd go private all the way. More research is needed. I picked up Dressed To Kill by Michael Dorosh for a start.

There is an airsoft Lee Enfield... ehobby sells it... wait for it... almost $1500

We realize that WWII Airsoft re-enactors are limited to the weapons that are available to us so we have Privates carrying Stens and Thompsons. It goes the same for a US unit... we don't really have a rifle unit... so most carry the Thompson... but we can't have everyone running around being Noncoms or Officers.

So don't worry about the weapon and join a unit... you'll most likely start out a a Private but you can work yourself up the ladder.

shiftsup March 13th, 2012 16:44

Smartass / Dogsbody, pretty sure we have met a few times. Come out to a game first. March 24 @ FR is skirmishes for all but some of the ww2 folk will be there. WW2 airsoft doesn't have to be a huge investment to look the part.

PS it'd be cheaper to make your own SMLE than buying one like a KTW. And odds are the self-built one won't dribble like a grandad's pecker like the KTW one. Either way (this is strictly my opinion) but ww2 airsoft rifles are cool and all but they fit into airsoft as much as a eunuch does at a brothel. Thompsons and Stens are relatively cheap and they both function well out of the box.

Smartass March 13th, 2012 18:10

Private sounds good to me. Wouldn't want to be mistaken for a '90 day wonder'. I don't count that KTW SMLE. 1, It's a stupid price. 2, It's not a springer. You're cocking a bolt for Chist's sake; just keep it simple. They're nice for drilling though.
I just recieved the basic pattern 37 webbing today and the Thompson should arrive tomorrow. I already have the helmet. The battle dress is next. It will almost certainly require some adjusting so it's a good thing I'm married to a brilliant costumer. Eventually we'll make a denim battle dress for hot weather. Then I can be accurate AND comfortable.

need_a_name March 17th, 2012 14:18

post some pics, iam interested in doing a canadian impression too and i want to see what others have done.

Smartass March 19th, 2012 12:44

I have ordered the battledress and have a couple odds and ends coming in from here and there. If anyone is in need of Pattern 37 L-straps, there are several at the Waterloo County Antique Warehouse at 805 King Street North in Waterloo. I've picked up a few things there. The same booth has some German WWII stuff too. German petrol cans for example.

Smartass April 3rd, 2012 12:33

Well, I got a uniform from Spearhead in the mail today but that's where the good news ends. For some reason they sent me an Australian Imperial Force tunic and pants. At least they're green.

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