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MI6 June 17th, 2005 16:07

Filling up wilson mag with duster...
2 Attachment(s)
How do i fill up the willson mag with duster gas it needs a long addaptor and how do i find one and how do i fit it to the can? :kill:

MI6 June 17th, 2005 16:08

its the scw2 mag. Any opinions on the SCW-2's?

Grim Fandango June 17th, 2005 16:13

Madmax is selling AI duster adaptors. As well I have a few.

Malinak June 17th, 2005 17:09

Look in the Accessories Classifieds, there are 2 people (at least) that are selling these right now.

the end June 17th, 2005 17:45

i got my adapter through the classifieds, and it has served me well
so do yourself a favor and get one soon

MI6 June 17th, 2005 19:08

is there any way to make one? like for free...

Lisa June 18th, 2005 01:01

You get what you pay for, and if you pay nothing you get nothing.

You could try buying a bottle of butane with the adaptors in the cap, but that probably costs more then the adaptors being sold in the classifieds.

Don't be so cheap. Airsoft costs money.

MadMax June 18th, 2005 02:14

The butane can adaptors are made to a different diameter than the stem on computer duster cans. You can bore them out if you're adept with tools. A modified butane fill tip was my first duster adaptor a few years ago when I started out in airsoft.

Unfortunately getting a clean bore is difficult as the plastic tends to be pretty soft so the drill bit dives into the plastic. I ended up making myself an adaptor on a lathe a few weeks later.

A can of butane with fill tips (if you can find them) typically costs around $4.

MI6 June 18th, 2005 18:22

anyone know of a store or the brand of butane that these adapters come in?

Treadstone71 June 18th, 2005 19:27

Why not just unscrew the mag bumper and use the mag without it?

Jugglez June 18th, 2005 20:53

Don't waste your time with the butane adaptors.. the soft plastic will wear out quickly and start to leak. I modified a butane adaptor using a thick needle, it worked awesome for about a week. :smack:

The duster adaptor i sell are metal and long enough for wilson mags, I've sold several to wilson owners and no complaints. I have a wilson combat myself.

MI6 June 20th, 2005 13:54

well ill be looking into that then thanks

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