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Delta Charlie April 24th, 2011 13:25

Hey guys, I'm trying to choose a new tac-vest and I was haveing some troubles finding a good vest.. Any suggestions??

I like ACU, but I also like tan which do you guys think is better??

-Skeletor- April 24th, 2011 13:29

Again, people suck at requesting info...

Whats your budget?

What kind of Airsoft guns do you have so we know what kind of mag pouches you need

How many mags do you want to carry?

What else do you want to be able to carry in the vest


As well, ever thought about looking through the different pictures and threads on the forum and see what other guys use to get an idea. Or checking out different retailer and gear maker websites to see what is out there?

Also, ACU isn't a pattern, its the name of the US Army combat uniform, UCP is the pattern. As well do you want to blend in to woodland? desert? urban? don't care? That will dictate what colour gear to get. IMO plain OD or Coyote Brown works for everything.

FOX_111 April 24th, 2011 13:31

ACU is about to dissapear and it's the word "camo" you can get.
ACU is actually UCP (Universal Camouflage Patern). ACU stand for Army Combat Uniform, it's the new cut of their BDU (Battle Dress Uniform)

Tan look cool but you will stand out in forest erea. Woodland Marpat work very well. Cadpat too.

Bowers April 24th, 2011 14:14

I dont know what your area is like so i cant comment on patterns but look at the second line kit gallery here in the gear section. It will give you a good idea of loadouts ranging from belt and suspender style setups such as a blast belt, solid chest rigs such as RRV's, Split front chest rigs such as MAV-2's, Plate carriers such as CIRAS, Wasatch etc theres lots of options out there but like skeletor said more info would make this easier

5kull April 24th, 2011 15:12

Hard to suggest anything without knowing your particulars like budget, look, environment, but if your going with only one vest you should buy OD or Coyote. Dont buy a vest that is camo, you change uniforme you will have to buy another vest. If you buy only one vest, go with Coyote because your vest will go with any camo uniforme. Coyote (the brown-green one, not the tannish one) blends with a lot of environments. When you buy pouchs, you only buy Coyote, you dont end up with a ton of pouchs that only match some uniforms. Buy a MOLLE vest, the kind that comes without any pouchs. Try a lot of vests, dont buy without trying it on, what is slightly annoying for a few minutes becomes hell after a few hours. What is hot in the store becomes a furnace in the july sun. Now buy a few mag pouchs and add as you need.

Dont buy black, tan, ACU vests unless your going for a particular look, they are specialised for particular environments and you will stand out in every other environment. If you really dont like Coyote then go for OD. Finally, buy a good brand, Condor is not to expensive if your on a budget. Dont buy cheaper, you wont save any money and will endup spending twice.

If you want to save money, buy a used vest with all the pouchs included, try it in a store before buying on the Internet.

Hope this helps:)

Take care.

Delta Charlie April 26th, 2011 19:13


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1453249)
Again, people suck at requesting info...

Whats your budget?

What kind of Airsoft guns do you have so we know what kind of mag pouches you need

How many mags do you want to carry?

What else do you want to be able to carry in the vest


As well, ever thought about looking through the different pictures and threads on the forum and see what other guys use to get an idea. Or checking out different retailer and gear maker websites to see what is out there?

Also, ACU isn't a pattern, its the name of the US Army combat uniform, UCP is the pattern. As well do you want to blend in to woodland? desert? urban? don't care? That will dictate what colour gear to get. IMO plain OD or Coyote Brown works for everything.

Yeah sorry, I really didn't put enough into this message my bad, umm I'm running an M4 and would like to carry around 6-10 mags as well as a kjw M9 or 1911 MEU with at least 3 mags, as well I would like a dump pouch (which I may buy later) so it would be nice if it had the MOLLE system a flashlight would be nice to fit and maybe an admin pouch, I'm planning on not spending more than 130$ ( without tax )

Cheesevillage April 26th, 2011 19:56

If you have $200 to spend, you can get most of what you listed above in "real" gear.

Otherwise, start looking into Condor/China gear. There are plate carriers available on (for instance) ehobby that come with pouches and fit into your proposed budget.

redzaku April 27th, 2011 23:40

why not plate carriers?
or you can find a surplus store that has a supplier called 5.11 tactical series
they cost 90 and above, reason why is that it is a modular vest and pouches cost 30 dollar or more
just saying...

hulubulu May 7th, 2011 01:28

What uniform camo are you wearing?

kullwarrior May 7th, 2011 05:23

Just giving my 2 cent,
ARPAT only works well with ARPAT and SOME Ranger Green.
OD looks really bad, as does Coyote Tan

If you want to run ARPAT consider those OTV vest, OE-Tech, Conders etc they're about $50-$100 (or if you want to go high grade there's Pantac)

Firewalker May 7th, 2011 06:59

Completely modular and kickass! The Australian Special forces use it as well as the Canadian Forces.

-Skeletor- May 7th, 2011 08:57


Originally Posted by Firewalker (Post 1461525)

Completely modular and kickass! The Australian Special forces use it as well as the Canadian Forces.

Some members of the Canadian Forces, mainly the R22eR Battle Group in Afghanistan right now is using it as part of the MFR trial. Just like how some PPCLI Soldiers in Edmonton were issues the TT 2 piece MAV a little while ago for trials.

Firewalker May 7th, 2011 09:09

I heard the SORD vests are in the upper percentile for being adopted by the CF, not sure of the veracity, but the company is top notch and I have nothing but good things to say about them.

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