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Ivanatom March 13th, 2011 22:53

Real Sword 56-2 upgrade ideas
Hi everyone!
So, after few outdoor games with my new RS 56-2, I come up to idea about upgrades for my gun.
The main problem I wish to solve is a hop up unit. Can't describe how disappointed am I with current situation. Some of BBs rise high, some fall down soon after being fired. I was trying to adjust it, but with no good result...

So, my first thing to buy - hop up rubber. I am thinking about Prometheus Soft (of hard??? Planning to play mostly outdoors with ~400 FPS spring)

Second - inner barrel. Not sure if I need one - was reading that stock one is good enough, but... If this investment brings me additional accuracy, it worth it.

Third - I have 9.6 1500 Firefox... Well, it is hard to fit. I don't want to do anything to a gas tube, so is there any other solutions?

Fourth - That one I really not sure... Scope. Depends on effective range, I going to have AFTER upgrades. Don't get me wrong - I just don't like gun overloaded with tons of staff hardly useful in battle.

If you have any other suggestions - will be glad to hear them. My main goal - functionality. I want gun to be as accurate, as possible. Don't want any fancy staff (well, at least now).

Thanks, Ivanatom.

iKliiu March 13th, 2011 23:36

1. Guarder clear / Systema with SCS is a good upgrade.
2. Prometheus makes the best inner barrels.
3. Try a Lipo, 20c 7.4Vs will give roughly the same power as a mini 9.6v.
4. Up to you.

Kid March 13th, 2011 23:52

All great answers.

I've got a guarder clear, Shredders Concave Spacer, and a prometheus tightbore.

The only other upgrades I've done are installing a mosfet (for rof control), 11.1v lipo (for trigger response), and a bearing spring guide. None of those effect accuracy though.

As for the battery, 7.2v lipos are a great option. Modding the gas tube though is pretty simple though. just have to expand the cutout on the bottom of the gas tube by a few millimeters and you'll get batteries in much easier.

Scope - hardly necessary unless your vision requires it.

ViR March 14th, 2011 00:25

I got 7.4v Lipo, Ill try it out in RS and let you know how it fits.

Desmodus March 14th, 2011 00:33

In terms of scopes and such... is there any way to even GET a scope mount on the 56-2? Theres no side rail mount and I dont remember there being any screws on the bottom....

Kid March 14th, 2011 00:34

There are several real steel options that are compatible with the Type 56.

chickenman March 14th, 2011 00:54

RS Type 56 with Red Dot

Tankdude March 14th, 2011 06:49

Amos March 14th, 2011 11:44


Originally Posted by chickenman (Post 1427983)

... Is that one of those cheap shotgun rail systems? :(

NVC March 14th, 2011 12:23

Here's my list of upgrades on my Type 56

-Prometheus 455mm barrel
-Prometheus purple hopup rubber
-SCS nub
-11.1V 2200 lipo
-Triggermaster III (3round burst)
-downgrade to MS110 spring
-high quality .30 BB's
-Accumulating rust, Yeah Baby!

Internals are all stock and with these simple upgrades I am getting +/- 2-3 fps consistent shots, which equates to great range/acc and trigger response which I am very happy with. A local guy with freakish upgraded guns gave me the info on these parts/upgrade list.

Kid March 14th, 2011 12:33

Rust pics?

I let mine rust bad once overnight after a rainy game, but I removed the rust.

Steven March 14th, 2011 12:34


Originally Posted by Kid (Post 1428188)
Rust pics?

I let mine rust bad once overnight after a rainy game, but I removed the rust.

You cleaned an AK?? :shock:

Kid March 14th, 2011 12:44

I left the gun wrapped in a wet BDU overnight in my car. I had the choice of having a black gun or a brown one and I chose to stick with the black a while longer until I see some rusted pics.

So... any pictures?

phloudernow March 14th, 2011 13:24

do it up into the Mag K :P

chickenman March 14th, 2011 13:36


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1428164)
... Is that one of those cheap shotgun rail systems? :(

No! It's one of my friends very own creation! he made it!

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